What Umaru chp 2 was going to be like.

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Title: How to Balance School and Being Lazy? I Wouldn't know.

A/N: Unlike a dad who went to get milk, I've returned. Sorry to leave you kiddos out in the rain. I've been working on my other projects a lot more. But I still remember this one, but who knows. Maybe it's too late now, but either way, you deserve at least another chapter.

Y/N: Oh geez, it's morning again.

Umaru-chan: "Hey, Y/N-kun, it's time to wake up."

Y/N: "I was actually about to get up." *Sits up in bed*

Umaru-chan: "Sure, sure. Now come on, I made us breakfast."

Y/N: Wait, what? "Right, right. Just let me get dressed real quick." Why is she acting so reasonable?

He goes to the bathroom and changes. Once done, he puts his clothes back onto his bed before sitting down at the table.

Umaru-chan: "I'll be there in a second. I'm finishing the tea."

Y/N: "Hai."

He sits while checking his phone. Nope, it's not April first. So what's up with her?

Umaru: "Be there in a moment."

Y/N: "Take your time now. I wouldn't want you dropping anything."

Umaru: "There's no need for worry. I'm capable of such a simple task."

Y/N: "Sometimes."

Umaru: "You're so rude!"

Y/N: "Y-You know what I meant! Either way, it's a bit strange to see you up this early."

Umaru: "Mm. It is, but I just so happened to wake up early today."

Y/N: "Though I'm certainly surprised, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Is Taihei here?"

(Seventeen times I tried to get this line correct.)

Umaru: "No, he went in early."

Y/N: "Sounds about right."

They settle down and enjoy some breakfast. They walk to school with Ebina. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's shaping out to be a perfectly average day.

Random Person: "It's Umaru-chan!"

Perv: "Check out that body."

Another person: "Her face is so small and cute! She's like a celebrity."

Glowing in her own radiance, she notices Ebina was down.

Umaru: "Is something the matter, Ebina-chan?"

Ebina: *She quickly shakes her head* "Huh?! No, it's just the looks for everyone..."

Y/N: "I'm surprised you're not used to it by now." *He looks at her quizzingly*

Ebina: "I mean, um, I know everyone is just starring because Umaru-chan's so pretty, but..."

Y/N: Ebina honestly is one of the best-looking people. I wish that she'd have even a little more confidence. It'd go great for her. Oh well. I guess that's just the cute part of her personality. But also the most problematic part, too.

Umaru: "What? That's not true. You're very cute yourself, Ebina-chan."

Y/N: "Agreed. You're one of the cutest people here."

The dual support hits her harder than an arrow through the heart.

Ebina: "G-Guys..."'

Her head lets out steam. This goes on for a little while, but she forgets it when looking at her test.

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