I. seven

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Finding Yu Minchul was proving to be even harder than she anticipated.

Eunbyul had gotten up early this morning, slept what could've been no more than three or four hours before sunlight broke through the large window. Her eyes hurt from the sudden exposure to the brightness. She'd woken up annoyed at the fact that while Mr. Cassano had taken the time to lay a blanket over her cold legs and arms as she slept on the couch, he obviously had no decency left to close the blackout curtains.

But it's not like it mattered, anyway. She had work to do and spending any longer in bed, even if she needed the rest to completely rid herself of the nasty hangover, was out of the question.

A strong cup of black coffee and a piece of her favorite buttered, strawberry-filled croissants later, she made it out of her small PI office and stepped into the book cafe again. Tp the growing pile of recently acquired books behind the counter that called her name.

She stacked them neatly inside a pair of cardboard boxes, before moving them to an empty spot on the bookshelves.

As she stood on the wooden ladder propped against the book-covered wall, the late morning hours flew by. The entire left wall had been reorganized to fit the added new books. Her muscles well past warmed up with all the physical exercise of climbing up and down the laddered steps, each time with multiple pounds-worth of books in her arms.

Still, it was her mind that grew tired by mid-afternoon. Her mental focus all spent on trying to come up with a way to solve this escaped researcher case.

His family knew nothing and the other workers at the villa wouldn't talk. And it's not like they were just unwilling to cooperate - Because the more she had tried to press the matters of how and why Minchul wanted to escape, the more it became clear that they were afraid.

And so she decided that finding Minchul was not what was important here. It was knowing what he knew that was.

One way or another, he had intel dangerous enough for him to risk his job, his life, his family. He was a ticking time bomb and Babel was terrified. Chairman Jang desperate enough to have brought in Prosecutor Choi Myunghee.

Mr. Han had sat her down at the great Wusang table of lawyers this morning, given her enough power to overlook even the law firm's Top Dog, Hong Chayoung.

That woman was a problem. Not specifically for Chayoung or her; they could handle Choi well enough if they put their minds to it. But with what Eunbyul knew of Choi Myunghee - the type of extreme lengths this woman had no trouble in taking just to win - that escaped researcher had better beware.

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"So..." Larry stood from his dance studio floor, catching his breath as he looked ahead at the quartet of women sitting in a neat side-by-side row. "How was I?" His hands came down to his hips and smiled at his small panel of judges.

𝕯 𝖊 𝖘 𝖕 𝖊 𝖗 𝖆 𝖉 𝖔 //  vincenzo cassano //Where stories live. Discover now