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"Thor?" Natasha's voice came over his comms an hour later. "Loki plans to unleash the Hulk. You and Sokolov, meet me in the lab," she said.

"Let's go, Sokolov," Thor said.

The two hurried down the hallway and joined Natasha in the hallway for Banner's lab. Magdalena firmly ignored Natasha's eyes as they walked into the room.

Tony, Steve, Fury and Bruce were already in there talking.

"Did you know about this?" Bruce asked Natasha, nodding at the large machine gun on the table.

"You wanna think about removing yourself from this environment, doctor?" Natasha said.

"I was in Calcutta, I was pretty well removed," Bruce said.

"Loki's manipulating you," Natasha said.

"And you've been doing what exactly?" Bruce scoffed.

"You didn't come here because I bat my eyelashes at you," Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Yes, and I'm not leaving because suddenly you get a little twitchy. I'd like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction," Bruce said.

"Because of him," Fury pointed at Thor.

"Me?" Thor said confusedly.

"Last year, Earth had a visitor from another planet who had a grudge match that leveled a small town. We learned that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned," Fury said loudly. Magdalena rolled her eyes. Americans.

"My people want nothing but peace with your planet," Thor said.

"But you're not the only people out there, are you? And, you're not the only threat. The world's filling up with people who can't be matched, they can't be controlled," Fury said.

"Like you controlled the cube?" Steve said.

"Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is the signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war," Thor said.

"You forced our hand. We had to come up with something," Fury said.

"Nuclear deterrent. 'Cause that always calms everything right down," Tony said sarcastically. A brief smile spread across Magdalena's face at how funny Tony actually was.

"Remind me again how you made your fortune, Stark?" Fury growled.

"I'm sure if he still made weapons, Stark would be neck deep-" Steve started.

"Wait! Wait! Hold on! How is this now about me?" Tony said.

"I'm sorry, isn't everything?" Steve said.

"I thought humans were more evolved than this," Thor said.

"Americans aren't," Magdalena said offhandedly.

"Excuse me, did we come to your planet and blow stuff up?" Fury raged at Thor.

"Did you always give your champions such mistrust?" Thor said.

"Are you all really that naive? SHIELD monitors potential threats," Natasha said.

"Captain America is on the threat potential watch list?" Bruce frowned.

"You're on that list? Are you above or below angry bees?" Tony asked Steve.

"I swear to God, Stark, one more crack-" Steve started.

"Threatening! I feel threatened!" Tony yelled.

Magdalena sighed and rolled her eyes. Idiots. Absolute idiots.

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