Twenty eight

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"Magdalena Stefania Romanoff!" a loud voice filled Maggie's bedroom. Maggie groaned from where she had been lying in bed to recover after the battle

"Yelena-" Maggie sat up, eyeing her aunt in the doorway.



"Oh my god!"


"Maggie, I'm alive!" Yelena shouted, jumping on Maggie's bed and hugging her.

"Yeah, so am I!" Maggie said back.

"I'm alive and it's been five years and, holy shit, Natasha explained it all. I'm sorry about Katerina and I'm so glad Johann and Claudia and Wanda and me, I'm so glad we're all back and, oh my god, what the hell is going on?!" Yelena laughed.

"It's a lot. I know," Maggie ran her hand through her hair.

"Natasha said they were arriving today. She said she's finished their rooms in this insane mansion that Tony left you, and she said I could come and live with you all, too," Yelena said.

"Are you gonna?" Maggie said.

"As long as I don't have to share a wall with you and Wanda. Natasha tells me you're lou-"

"Mom!" Maggie yelled in embarrassment, knowing Natasha was lurking close enough to hear. "Stop telling Yelena about my sex life just because neither of you have one!" she said.

"Hey, leave me alone," Yelena whined. "I can't help that I don't feel sexual attraction to people," she said.

"Okay, then just mama. Seriously?" Maggie eyed Natasha as she stepped into the room.

"You're seriously coming at me?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. "Your girlfriend is baking enough food in the kitchen to feed the people we brought back to life," she said.

"My girlfriend hasn't been in a kitchen for five years. Let her bake. Besides, saves us having to do it," Maggie shrugged.

"She has a point, you know," Yelena said.

"Magpie," Friday said.

"Yeah, Friday?" Maggie said.

Tony had programed her to say that and nothing Maggie could do to it would stop Friday doing it. In the end, she'd decided to let it go. She needed some reminder of Tony and that was enough. It really was enough for her.

"You asked to be informed when the Quinjet was landing," she said.

"They're here!" Yelena squeaked, falling off the bed in her haste to go and meet the kids she hadn't met yet.

"I think she's more excited than we are," Natasha chuckled, helping Maggie to her feet.

"I know," Maggie said. "Alexei and Melina didn't want to move in, then?" she said.

"You really think I'd let them near my granddaughter?" Natasha raised an eyebrow. "God, I'm not old enough to be a grandma. Don't let Valie call me grandma, alright?" she said.

"Relax, mama," Maggie rolled her eyes fondly as they walked down the hallway.

"I'm forty years old. That's too young for grandma," Natasha said.

"Well, if we're going off our ages, technically you were fifteen when I was born. I'd be happy with the bigger age gap for grandma," Maggie pat her shoulder. "Wanda, they're here!" she called as they passed the kitchen.

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