🦐 Vampire hunt DRAFT

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22 juillet 2021


Angelika: Melancholic and sly, she's determined. She's a vampire and she used to be the scapegoat of a vampire cult in the human world. Her goal is to detroy the vampire hunters, and the cult. She's a engineer and invented the contact lenses. She hides her idea

Clive: A charismatic and clever human, he knows how to prank everyone. Most humans loves him, most vampire fear him. He hunts vampire just because he enjoys the hunt. His official job is an animal hunter.

Tobias: A human officer. He's has a great sense of justice but get stuck with the protocole too much.

Amelia: A painfully talkative self-proclaimed friend of Angelika. Also a Vampire. She's more clever than she seems, but will always value people over logic. She's an excellent fighter and is her guardian.

list of interest/brainstorm: 

-romance, love, one-sided love, forceful love,...


-abuse, bullying, sexual assault, suffering, murder

-intelligence, philosophy, manners

-death, reaper

-life, miracle, god, magician

-transfomation (into a dragon, witch, mouse, demon,...), secret identity, fame

-vampire, yeti, ghost, angel, demon


The humans, who are way more numerous than vampires, locked them away inside of a forbidden country. There are soldier who guard it so no vampire can exit. However, sometime, a vampire hunter enter the country to kill vampires, and the guards allows it because they are briebed. Vampires are just like humans, with the exeption that drinking human blood grants them superpowers. they happen to have red eyes, which makes it easier to reconize them.


One day Angelika meets a family. they are sweet and harmless, and also Clive's target for his hunt. She has the time to save the child by hiding her with her, but he enters the house of the family before she can warn the parents. He shoot the husband in front of the family, and keep the wife alive. Since he noticed the kids toys, he asks where the children are. He tells her he swear to spare her life if she tells him. She accept and show him a wrong place and push him out of the window. However, he gracefully exchange place and throw her out instead and she falls. The little girl is crying, and Angelika tries to make her shut up. Angelika decide to make a run for it, because the little girl is making way too much noise. She carries the little girl and run. The little girl is looking at her dying mom. The hunter sees that the little girl is looking, and shoots the mom a lot of times in front of her, just to traumatize the little girl. 

Angelika is now left with a traumatized little girl.


22 juillet 2021: hunters

Angelika is ready to infiltrate the world of humans. She wears her contact lenses and is accompanied by her friend Amelia. They climb the wall on a foggy night and managed to escape the forbidden country.

They find a normal job and buy a house. They managed to make aquaintance with their neighbours and even make some friends. One of their neighbour is Tobias, an officer. They thought it was unlucky, but if they move out again it would look suspicious. 

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