Chapter 06

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“The water is cooling down.” TK said and his body shivered as soon as he said it.

Carlos sat up in the bathtub. He circled TK's waist so he wouldn't try to go anywhere and turned on the hot water faucet. He lay back down in the tub and formed a few small waves. He bent his knees so that TK could get more comfortable between his legs and kissed his shoulder.

“I think I could get used to this kind of relationship” Said the policeman and continued kissing TK's shoulder and neck, turned his head and took hold of his lips to kiss him long enough for the water to become cold again. “I can’t remember the last time he'd taken a couple of days off work. How about you? After your revelation at the police station and well... what I've gotten you to tell me when we're in bed, it's not like we've talked much about us beyond sexual matters.”

“It's no big deal, you're just asking me when the last time is I took a vacation.”

Carlos nodded and rubbed TK's arms and belly with the suds from the tub. Since they had met, they hadn't spent many evenings talking, not even sharing a dinner or a movie on the couch.

He knew where he was going when he accepted to start this relationship with TK. He’d wanted to meet someone he could fall in love with and share his life with. TK had just about everything he could imagine. He was handsome, one of the most attractive guys he had ever met in her entire life. He was nice, with a great sense of humor, the few times he had let himself go and allowed Carlos to see the real TK. He also knew he was intelligent and very smart.

But she wanted to know more about him.

TK was a closed book when it came to everything that didn't have to do with sex and how things had been with Alex although Carlos was sure there was a lot about Alex that he hadn't told him, out of embarrassment, fear or just because he wanted to avoid Carlos' gaze.

“Yes, I take vacations from time to time like everyone else.” TK stirred in the tub as he said that. “Not that I do anything special with them. It usually depends on what Alex feels like doing.... well not now, of course.”

“Do you take your vacation hanging on what the guy you're with tells you?”

“We agree. Alex had a good job and as a firefighter and working with my dad I have no problem taking vacation when it suits me best.”


“But nothing, Carlos. I'm very well with you and I assure you that I didn't expect that spending half an hour in the bathtub would be as relaxing as you said.” TK turned around so he could look Carlos in the face. “But I didn't expect you to use this moment to interrogate me.”

“That's not it.”

“You can't judge me for what days of the year I take vacation or to criticize me because I use it to be with my boyfriend.”

He got out of the tub and walked barefoot to the bathroom.

Carlos had never told him that he was a little obsessed with cleanliness and especially with the little stains left by the water on the floor. He got out of the tub too, put a towel around his waist and grabbed another one for TK, ran over to him and wrapped the dry towel around him.

“Sorry, I just want to get to know you.”

“But you don't need to know all the details about my previous relationships.”

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