Chapter 15

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TK heard the distant voice of Carlos speaking on the phone from the living room, but could not hear the conversation. He knew he was talking to his father, they spoke every two hours or what was same, his father called every two hours to see if he could convince him to go to the hospital.

But Carlos wanted to keep his promise. He had promised to let him stay in his apartment for twenty-four hours and that was what he was going to do.

Once the conversation was over, Carlos walked into the bedroom, TK heard him walk to the bed and sat at the foot, not too close to him to disturb or scare him, but close enough to let him know he was there.

TK had said he wanted to sleep but hadn't been able to sleep a wink yet. Every time he closed his eyes he saw Alex again, he was back in that dark room, back to being his prisoner. He shuddered thinking that he had only been freed by the luck of a surveillance camera... and because Carlos had done the impossible to find him.

"Why?" TK asked with little more than a trickle of a voice.

"Why what?"

"We slept together a few times, but we didn't know each other and've done everything you've done to find me. Why do that for a stranger?"

Carlos stirred on the bed and caressed TK's ankle without daring to touch anything else.

"You're not a stranger. TK, I know we haven't been through the same experiences, so I understand your fear of falling in love. But I..." Carlos laughed nervously, embarrassed for saying that out loud. "I fell in love with you the moment I saw you on your first day on a call. I knew I wanted to know you, I knew I wanted to know more about you and if you let me, I wanted to always be by your side."

TK moved too, it was hard for her to turn around because it hurt everything, but she didn't want anyone to help her, maybe this way she would avoid going to the hospital. She straightened up a bit on the bed and stared at Carlos at last.

"Just for one day?"

Carlos nodded.

"I didn't need anymore."

TK didn't think it possible to be able to blush after what had happened or when he was sure he was suffering from post-traumatic trauma. But he noticed his cheeks light up and couldn't help but smile.

"I guess now your opinion will change." He snuggled a little between the sheets, pulling them up almost to his chin. "I'm not the one then, or maybe the one then wasn't me either. Maybe my true self is the one Alex knows, the submissive one, the one you can..."

Carlos moved closer to him, never touching him except brushing his hands to get his attention.

"Hey, hey, baby. Don't say that because it's not true. That's not you; I've met you and you were broken, Alex had broken you into a thousand pieces, and if I had done things right..." Carlos turned his gaze back to the wall, the last thing he wanted was for TK to see him crying. "I was hasty in trying to change you, I didn't realize what you had gone through. I really couldn't imagine all the damage that bastard had caused you and without realizing it I threw you back into his trap."

"I think we're both a little broken right now."

TK grabbed Carlos' arm tightly and pulled him closer. His hand was shaking, he wanted to push her away, but he didn't. There were few things he needed at that moment, few things he could stand; but Carlos' presence, was something he desperately needed.

"Are you sure?" Carlos asked, he wasn't going to make the same mistake twice of imagining that was what TK needed.

TK nodded and pulled his hand away. Carlos moved in closer still and when he was able to touch his side, he slipped a hand around his waist so he could lie on top of him, but without leaning back. He looked TK in the eyes, their gazes met, there was little either of them could say, but much they needed the other to know.

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