Chapter 07

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TK stopped in front of the bar door. Through the huge glass window, he could see the guy sitting at a table, drinking a beer. It was him, his date. It was just like the picture he had sent him, at least this one hadn't exaggerated in his profile.

He was a handsome man, in his thirties and good-looking in general. He was dressed in a shirt and jeans, nothing unusual, though he was wearing an expensive watch and looking at a state-of-the-art iPhone.

It made him a little nervous to know that this man had money and that he moved in a world very different from his own and that could also imply that he was interested in other, more sophisticated things, in every sense.

He looked at the reflection in the glass. He had the presence knew that he was a handsome young man, more handsome than many. It was not a matter of vanity, but the prototype of beauty in the world. He was aware of attracting attention and being liked, but he also knew that a man of money was also looking for a refined flirt with a certain composure as his date probably was.

He didn't want to make a fool of himself, but he also didn't want to let him down and leave without saying anything.

He took a deep breath. Carlos had already made it clear that he was looking for more than a sexual relationship and TK didn't feel capable of offering or wanting that right now. His heart had been broken and he didn't feel like giving himself up to something new and that could go just as badly.

As much as he was in a hurry about what this stranger might think of him, it was better than getting his hopes up about someone he didn't quite understand. Anything to avoid hurting each other.

He took another deep breath and took a step toward the cafeteria door, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him and made him wince before he turned around.

"Don't." Carlos's appearance caught him by surprise. "You're meeting that guy in there, but please don't, don't go in."

"Did you follow me or spy on me?" TK held up his index finger nervously. "Have you used some police program to get into my cell phone and check the apps I've logged into?"

Carlos held back his laughter, he didn't want to make TK angry.

"I went to look for you at home, I wanted to talk to you and I saw you were out. You were in a hurry so I decided not to bother you."

"Oh." TK's cheeks lit up. "But you followed me."

"Yes, that's what I'm guilty of. I didn't want to go any longer without talking to you about what happened" Carlos stroked TK's arm and smiled. "And what I would still like to happen between us."

"But, you want..."

"Yes, I want that in time, we can be...." Carlos took a step closer to TK and rested both hands on his arms as if he wanted to hold him or as if he wanted to prevent him from trying to escape. "I've done it wrong from the beginning and I'm sorry. Let me try again."

"Carlos, babe, you don't want what I need right now."

Carlos smiled and stroked his cheek. He walked the two steps away from him and placed a light kiss on his lips. He looked behind TK, inside the cafeteria, the stranger waiting for him had seen them and that, although he wasn't going to admit it, made him feel good. TK was his, maybe not like the fireman wanted, but it was clear to him that he wanted TK in ways he had never imagined possible.

A part of him was terrified of how TK made him feel. He liked sex, as much as anyone, and sex with TK was the best he had ever experienced. But he knew TK expected certain things he wasn't sure he could pull off and offer it to him.

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