Chapter 09

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Michelle sat down on the couch and placed a bottle of beer in front of Carlos, but the policeman did not react. He had been staring at his cell phone for a long time, he was engrossed in what he was looking at and he didn't even try to hide it.

"I didn't know they were interested in those flirting apps."

Carlos lifted his head, looked at Michelle, then back at the screen, and then once more at his friend.

"No, they don't interest me, it's for research."

"Ah, so now the police are specializing in gay flirting apps, and besides... Is that guy in the picture carrying a whip?"

Carlos put the cell phone down on the couch and Michelle burst out laughing as she watched him blush.

"It's not what it looks like."

"It's all the same to me, I even find it curious because I don't know that world of whips and gags."

"Me neither. It's just..." Carlos picked up his cell phone again and searched for the profile he had first entered. "TK told me about this app, he said he had met his ex here and wanted to know if he had re-enabled his user after... You know."

"Now that you guys have broken up?"

"We haven't broken up because we never got to actually start dating."

"But you're worried about your guy."

"He's not my guy..." Carlos looked at the app again, there was TK's picture, one of the ones he liked the most of the fireman. It was also a photo that worried him, because as much as he liked it, it showed an innocent boy, too much of an innocent boy for that kind of app. "I don't have any prejudice with this kind of relationship but look."

He showed her the pictures of TK and she made an "awwww" that Carlos found charming. In all the photos, TK was shown just as he was, friendly, cheerful, charming himself. He showed that he was a fireman, that he liked animals and his look in almost all the photos showed a boy who could fall in love easily.

In the description, he said he was looking for someone to guide him both in bed and life. He was looking for someone who would take care of him, not be too aggressive, and have a clear safe word whenever needed. He wanted someone skilled but didn't mind starting a relationship with someone new to the world of domination.

Carlos was sure that he had put that in for him, at least that meant he hadn't done too badly, despite how things had ended between them, it seemed that TK didn't hate him too much even though he had almost kicked him out of his house.

"It's just that there are a lot of people here with much more... extreme tastes than what TK asked me for and I know he'd be willing to do anything that the person wants."

"TK is not a kid, I'm sure he'll do fine and find the guy who gives him... what he needs." Michelle snorted and took a long swig of her beer. "It sounds horrible to talk about this stuff."

"I know."

"What I mean is that you've tried with TK, you've given him what you can of what he's asked for, but if he needs you more? He still has your contact in case he regrets it, right?"

"I don't think that will happen, for TK, this kind of sex is very important."

As he spoke, Carlos went through the different profiles that were related to TK and got to the last one he had had contact with, a certain DaddyNY. In the pictures, he had shown hardly any face, but a nice body.

From what little could be seen of him, he was a Latino man, not yet thirty years old.

"It's clear that TK has a very definite type. This guy looks like you." Michelle said as she glanced at the pictures. "Except for the part where he likes a than you. Do you think he might have contacted TK?"

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