Chapter 14

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Carlos looked at TK lying there on the floor. He looked horrible and as bad as it was, the head wound now didn't make things much worse. As much as Alex had him in a pretty decent room, he didn't seem to have cared much for TK's well-being.

Although she only had a moment to glance at him, she noticed he was pale, like someone who hadn't eaten or drunk anything in days. He had bruises all over his naked body, his ankles raw from restraints he had probably been trying to free himself from, and all Carlos wanted was to get him out of there and forget about Alex's presence.

"Stop looking at him like that, you look like you're going to eat him with your eyes." He said the other man.

"It makes me sad to see what a twisted mind you have, that you don't know what it's really like to feel something for someone." Carlos walked towards Alex, gun in hand and without taking his eyes off the knife Alex had in his.

"Who's talking about feelings here agent Reyes? TK is the best fuck I've had in a long time and on top of that every time I've done it with him..." Alex smiled and winked at him. "Even now, these days, my mother, you seem to have taught him a lot."

"Get up and get away from him." Said Carlos making a great effort not to listen to the words of the one who seemed very eager to get his ass kicked.

But he didn't move and fiddled with the knife in his hands too close to TK.

He was provoking him, he wanted to provoke him, although Carlos did not understand why.

"Let's see, I haven't been able to do much because good old TK does nothing but think about you. Although you'll already know that from the videos I've been sending you. You're not going to tell me that I haven't kept you informed?"

"You're a fucking bastard. Let TK go without making any more stories, the building is surrounded by police and I assure you I'm not going to let you near him to hurt him again."

Suddenly, Alex broke away from TK, which made Carlos calm down a little to see that he was no longer so interested in him.

"Hurt him? I assure you this is a game to him. The problem is that you've made him too soft and I don't like that so much anymore." He raised the knife and pointed it at Carlos. "So I thought if I take you out of the equation, if I get our boy to stop thinking about you... but there's no way, he just keeps naming you over and over again. It almost sounds like he's in love with you."

Carlos shuddered at the thought of that, to think that TK might still be interested in him after all. He didn't want it to show on his face, didn't want Alex to see where his weakness was.

He felt guilty, he felt that if it wasn't for him, if he hadn't pushed him to have another kind of relationship, if he had gone slower, maybe he wouldn't have gotten back into that app, he wouldn't have met Alex again and none of that would have happened.

"Even if you kill me, more cops will come in and tonight you'll sleep in jail."

"That's the difference, dear Carlos. You will be dead, TK will forget about you and when I get out of jail, he will fall back into my arms as he has done now."

"Drop the knife, put your hands behind your head and get on your knees without doing anything foolish."

But Alex was not afraid of him, he had lost his head completely and was coming towards him. Then he understood, if he couldn't kill him, then he wanted him to kill him so that it would be Carlos who would end up in jail.

He pointed the gun at him, it would be so easy to do it, there were no witnesses and anyone would think it was his right. He could even say that he had attacked him, he had jumped him with the knife and everything would be done. He could also provoke him to do something.

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