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Fifty Shades of Grey is a movie never to be watched with Dylan Coopers again. He wouldnt stop rubbing his hand up my leg any time a sex scence came on. It would have been the longest 2 hours of my life, don't get me wrong the movie was amazing but maybe with Dylan it was awkward.

After the movie finished we went out and go some food and by food I mean KFC. He thought it would be a good idea since I have barely eaten anything but salad the last couple of days. On the way home we didn't speak just let the radio play out, that was until a familiar song came on.

Your the light, your the knight,
Your the colour of my blood,
Your the cure, your the pain
Your the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew it could mean so much, so much.

It was a song from Fifty Shades of Grey, Love me like you do to be exact. Hearing the familiar lyrics made Dylan look at me for a moment, I refused to look at him since I knew he would have that famous smirk on his lips.

So love me like you do,
Lo- Lo - Love me like you do.
Love me like you do, Lo-Lo-Love me like you do,
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do
What are you waiting for?

"Don't even say it." I threatened as I looked over at him.

"Say what?" He replied laughing.

"Say what ever you are thinking with that stupid smirk on your face."

"Come on Alex," he replied, "We all know that this smirk won you over."

"Believe whatever you need to believe in order to sleep at night babe."

He didn't reply but he did let out a small chuckle, it wasn't long until we were pulling back into his parents drive way.

"Well I had a fantastic time." He smiled at me.

"Me too."'

As we walked into the house, everything was dark, it was only about 10 o'clock but the wedding was tomorrow and everyone needed their rest I guess.

As we walked quietly up the stair, and down the hall to Dylan's room. I couldn't help but let my gaze shift to all the photograph's that were hanging on the walls. There were ones from when it was just Amanda and Dylan, they looked so carefree and cute. Dylan must of noticed me slow my pace and stopped to look at me making me bump into him in the process.

"Enjoying the trip down memory lane?" Dylan asks.

"Yeah, you were really cute. But not as cute as Jed." I say pointing to the family photo, that seems to be taken a couple months after Jed was born.

"Hey, we all know that I was, and always will be the cutest."

I couldn't help but slip out a small laugh.

"Cutest? Thought you were the hottest?"

"Well I became the hottest after puberty decided to hit."

I didn't reply just continued to make my way down to Dylan's room. Hearing him follow behind me.

"So, are you up for more movies or are you just going to go to bed?" He asked quietly, as he closed the door.

"We should get some sleep, we have to at least try and look decent."

"You always look decent."

"I'm changing." I tell him as I quietly make my way out of his room and down the hall to the bathroom.

I really need to check the phone that I have for if I ever needed to ask or contact Crystal, but I can't since I either have Dylan or someone from Dylan's family around me.

I'm still getting over the face that I am the first girl that Dylan ever brought home, and I am trying to break his heart in the process. For the first time I feel guilty. Wait what?

"Alex? Are you ok?" Dylan asked from outside of the door, breaking me from the thoughts.

"Yeah," I reply, "I won't be a minute." I finished getting ready for bed, and opened the door to reveal Dylan leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face.

"You took a while."

"I'm a girl, I have to clean my face and stuff like that."

"Yeah, I get it." He replied, grabbing my hand. "Come on let's go to bed."

As I laid down next to a sleeping Dylan. I couldn't help but think, What if Kim was right? What if I'm too far out of my league. And to be honest that thought scared the crap out of me.

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