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We were sitting in the lounge room with Jed and Carol waiting for Dylan’s dad to get home.  We were talking about Dylan’s childhood memories, which was making Dylan turn bright red.

“He used to love the ninja turtles so much that he would run around the house dressed up as the orange one.” Carol says through her laughing fit.

“Stop,” Dylan groaned shoving his head into my neck to hide his face, his breathe making me shiver.

“Come on babe, I think it’s cute that you dressed up.” I replied.

Just as I felt Dylan kiss the inside of my neck, the front door swung open and a young girl ran in and ran up the stairs crying.

“Hayley!” Carol yelled as I heard a door slam, “Hayley, what happened?”

A short time after an older man with dark brown hair came into the living room.

“William this is Alex” Carol spoke gesturing towards me 

“Hi Alex, it’s nice to meet you” he says looking over at me, then at Dylan who no longer had his head in my neck. “Hi son.”

“Hi Dad” Dylan replies “What’s wrong with Hayley?”

“I don’t know she wouldn’t talk to me in the car ride back here.”

“I’ll go up,” Carol says standing.

“No me and Alex will” Dylan replies “I haven’t seen her since Dads birthday and that was months ago, and besides I want to introduce Alex to her anyway.”

“Dylan it’s probably not the best time to introduce her to me.”

“No she will love it,” Carol says to me as Dylan stands up.” She has never met one of Dylan’s girlfriends before." 

“None of us have.” William adds offering me a smile.

“Come on you.” Dylan says offering me his hand to pull me off the lounge, “Let go see her reaction when she finds out that I brought a girl home.”

We walked up the stairs in silence as Dylan rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand again. We made our way to the last door and Dylan knocked, but when he got no answer he just walked in.  Hayley was beautiful; she had Light brown hair that went a little past her shoulders, and blue eyes.

“Hayley, what happened?” Dylan asked not letting go of my hand as he walked over to sit on her bed.

“Dylan I want to be alone right now” she replied not looking up from her lap.

“No,” Dylan replied, “Not until you tell me whose throat I have to rip out.”

“Dylan, stop you don’t have to do anything.”

“Fine then who am I bashing?”

“Dylan stop.”

“No!” he snapped, “Someone has obviously done something and I want to know whom.”

“Dylan,” I say tightening my grip on his hand. “How about you ask her later when she is feeling better.”

Me talking made her look up and actually notice that I was in the room.

“Oh my god!” she half squealed “Dylan how come you didn’t tell me you were bringing a girl home?”

“Because I didn’t have to,” he replied

“Yes, you did if I had known I wouldn’t of gone to my friends house this afternoon.” She replied nudging him, “I’m Hayley, by the way.”

“I’m Alex.” I smiled

“Now we are going to go and when you want to tell me who I have to hurt you can come downstairs and find us.” Dylan simply said standing up and pulling me out the room.

“That didn’t go as I hoped.” He said as he walked down the stairs.

“You did fine.” I reassured him.

As we walked into the kitchen, Carol and William were sitting around the table with what I assumed was a cup of tea since it’s late.

“Dylan are you and Alex hungry?” Carol asked.

 “Well I know I’m not” he relied “Babe are you?”

 “No thank you Carol we had something when we were on our way here tonight.”

 “Oh that’s not problem” she replied.

 “I’m going to go and get our bags out of the car,” Dylan whispered into my ear, “Will you be ok here?”

 I nodded in response as he let go of my hand and walked out the room. I went and sat down at the table with both William and Carol.

 “So Alex?” William asked me, “How did you and Dylan meet?”

 “Uh, we met at school, he is in some of my classes and I am also a cheerleader so we were spending a lot of time together,” I replied “But we didn’t actually start talking until we were both at a party one night.”

 “How long have you two been seeing each other?”

 “For about two weeks."

“Wow I remember when he was dating this girl I don’t know her name actually, but they were dating for at least 6 to 9 months and we still haven’t met her,” William replied, “You must be special.”

Just as I went to reply I heard Dylan yell out to me from the front door, he must need help with the bags.

 “Excuse me.” I said to both of them as I got up and walked out the room, in search for Dylan.

As I was almost at the front door I heard Jed and Dylan talking.

“Dylan, she is hot,” he whispered

“I know, but she is mine so hands off.” He replied I couldn’t help but smile.

“I mean I’d tap that.” Jed replied I had to hold back a laugh.

“Dude you’re eleven” Dylan replied laughing I heard foot steps approaching me so I began to walk out and I ran straight into Dylan who was already smirking.

“There you are,” he said “Are you ready to go and get some sleep?”

“I’m way past ready.”

“Well come on we’ll go and say goodnight”

After we said goodnight we made out way upstairs to Dylan’s old room. Where I found out we would be sharing a bed, I didn’t mind but it was going to be the first night of us sleeping in the same bed and who knows how this boy sleeps. 

I went into the bathroom to shower and get changed, when I came back into the room Dylan was already in bed shirtless.

“Well don’t just stand there babe” he said, “Come hop in here.”

I hoped in the bed that is when Dylan wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer to him, so my head was on his chest.

“Good night Babe.” He whispered 

“Good night Dylan.” 

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