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A/N - HEY HEY HEY HEY, here is the new and improved version of Chapter One!! I know it took forever but idk how to explain it, this year just hasn't been the best year for me...  But enjoy!! i like this so much better then what it was. Like & Comment! lots of love 

My week was off to a good start, I was finally on break after a long stressful semester, broke a guy's heart for some blonde heartbroken girl. I was dating him for 6 months and as harsh as it sounds, I have an extra 2 grand to pay off my brand new car; but the best thing about this week, was the party that was being thrown tonight.

Getting read in a tiny dorm room, with a roommate with twice as much stuff as you is difficult. There were clothes everywhere, make up covering almost every flat surface, it's the reason why I choose to always get ready in the bathroom in one hit, that way once I was out I was done; and all I had to do was wait for Kim. I was curling my hair when there was a knock on the bathroom door. I didn't have to answer, because Kim always knew just to walk in after she knocked.

"Crystal's at the door for you," She stated, making me almost choke on my own breath.

"Crystal?" I asked, "as in Dylan Cooper's girlfriend?"

"Yeah? she seems pretty upset, so I guess she came here to get your 'expert' advice."

Kim has never liked what I do, I think its because of the possibility of not breaking a guy's heart but my own instead. Which I always reassure her that that isn't going to happen. She never uses it against me though.

"I'll just finish this piece of hair and I'll come out."

"Please don't be long." She pleaded, "we both know that I can't stand her."

I couldn't help but laugh, she was telling the truth though neither of us liked her. I tried my hardest to be as fast as I could, finishing off my hair and throwing on my outfit for the night. I chose to wear a black crop top matched with sparkly gold high wasted shorts, paired with black heels. As I walked back in to the main part of the dorm, I couldn't help but memorize the sight in front of me. Crystal in a pair of black tights, an oversized jumper and make up running down her face.


"Alex," she hiccupped. "I need your help."

"What? Did Dylan finally break up with you?"

"Shut up!" she snapped. Bringing me to the realization that Dylan had broken her, just like when Daniel broke me.

"Ok, ok what do you want me to do?"

"I need you to do what you do best." She stated, looking me dead in the eyes. "I need you to break Dylan's heart."

"Let me just get this straight, you want me to break Dylan Coppers heart?"

"Didn't I just say that?"

"You do realize that that is physically and emotionally impossible, the guy doesn't even know what love is! Let alone know how to feel it."

"Alex, you get guys to fall for you in what? Under 6 months? You'll be able to have him wrapped around your tiny little finger in no time."

"I don't know Crystal." I sighed, running a hand through my hair hoping it wouldn't ruin it.

"I'm willing to pay you $1000 for the first three months, and $500 for however long afterwards."

I froze, the amount of money she was offering me, may be enough to pay off the rest of my car depending on how long I was 'seeing' Dylan for.

"I guess I'll do it." I shrugged, making her smirk.

"Great, thank you." I heard Kim scoff from behind me but I chose to ignore it.

"So what do I need to know about him?"

"Ok well..." she continued to go on about what he liked, didn't like, loved and hated for a good half an hour. I have to admit from what she's telling me, this is going to be one of the longest and most challenging hearts that I've been asked to break ever since I started doing this.

"He is going to the party tonight, right?" I asked.

"We are talking about Dylan." She scoffed, "Of course he is."

She got up to leave, making it to the door before she turned around. "How do I pay you?"

"I'll text you tomorrow."

She was out the door faster then I can blink, making me sigh and regretting what I just agreed to. It didn't take long for Kim to break me out of my trance.

"I cannot believe you just agreed to chase after the school's man whore."

"it's fine, I've always liked a challenge." I replied, throwing a glance at the clock. 9pm.

"Alex I'm saying this because I'm your best friend, but you need to stop doing this; you're going to end up hurt."

"I'll be fine Kim, but we have to go we're late"

The party was at one of the 'Jocks' apartments, typical rich kid that's too good to live on campus. The apartment looked nice from the outside but once you stepped through the door you were instantly hit with the smell of smoke and alcohol; my ear drums took a few seconds to adjust as the music was loud, but I quickly adjusted to everything around me. I quickly glanced around the room looking for Dylan but he wasn't in sight, making me sigh since I didn't want to spend all night looking for him. Kim and I made our way into the kitchen to get drinks when suddenly my body ran into someone else's; Dylan.

'Shit," I muttered, looking up at him. "I'm so sorry."

He was smirking, which happened to be a good thing. "It's fine babe, you having fun?"

"I will be once I get a drink, if you'll excuse me."

"I can get you one?"

"I've got it, I'm a big girl." I walked away, fast enough for him not to be able to grab my arm but slow enough for him to check me out if he wanted to.

Kim was in the kitchen holding two drinks, talking to some jock that I don't know the name of.

"You're a life saver." I say as I take one of the cups and drink half of it in one go.

"I know; can we dance?"

I instantly grabbed her hand and dragged her out into the living room, which happened to be the dance floor tonight. She brought the jock with her leaving me to dance by myself, but I didn't mind. I felt a tap on my shoulder causing me to turn around, to see the same smirk I seen earlier.


"So, are we going to dance?"

"Um, no?" I reply and start to walk away, I got to the front door when suddenly a hand was wrapped around my waist and I was pushed against a wall.

"Come on baby," Dylan whispered against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Don't make me chase you."

Got him. 

Heartbreak GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora