s i x t e e n

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Crystal's words were still fresh in my mind two weeks later, "I can't stand to see you two together, it feels like my heart is breaking even more." I have to admit Crystal is one of those girls that I never expected to get her heart broken, I thought she'd be married at least 3 different times and have 1 extremely spoilt kid; but I was wrong, I couldn't have been more wrong. She loved Dylan Copper and now I was the one that is stepping on egg shells so I wouldn't fall under his spell also, this is one of the hardest things if my life.

I was making my way to cheer practise when I heard my name being called, turning around and seeing Kim running down the corridor fixing her hair into a pony tail while doing so.

"Hey." I said, sending her a smile, as she caught up to me. "You're not late."

"Shut up, I told you I wasn't going to be."

"Yeah, but what you do and what you say are two completely different things lately."

"So, how's Dylan?"

"H-He's good." I stuttered, I didn't like talking about Dylan to Kim anymore because she can see right through me, and I don't want her to see that for once in my life I was scared of what was going to happen.

"Yeah? I haven't seen him around lately."

"We've both been busy I guess."

"We should go on a double date." She suggested, looking at me from the corner of her eye.

"What? As in you, me, Dylan and Daniel?"

"Yeah? Well unless you're trying to break two boys hearts at the same time."

"I think I'll pass."

"Why? I could be fun."

"To have dinner with my ex-boyfriend and my not so much boyfriend?"

"And your best friend." She added in, giving me a cheesy grin.

"Still not going to go."

"Fine, I'll ask Dylan."

Not even 20 seconds later I bumped into someone's chest making me look up to see Dylan's smirking face looking down at me.

"Hello princess." He chuckled.

"Hey." I replied in almost a whisper, feeling the best rise to my cheeks.

"Hey Kim, how's it going?"

"Hey, it's been good I was actually hoping to talk to you." I could hear the smirk on her voice.

"Oh yeah? About what?"

"Nothing." I said, making Dylan get a confused expression on his face.

"I was going to ask you and Alex to go on a double date with Daniel and I." She said, hitting my arm with the back of her hand. "I asked Alex but she said no."

He looked at me, with a sly smile on his face. "We'd love to actually."

"We really wouldn't." I groaned.

"Come on Al, it could be fun."

"I'd rather dig my own grave, and bury myself alive."

"I have to go." Dylan said, bending down to peck me on the cheek quickly whispering in my ear. "We're going so I can piss off Daniel by not keeping my hands off you."

As he ran off down the stairs to the field, as Kim and I made our way into the girls locker room.

"I like him." She stated. "You should cancel this thing for Crystal and date him."

"I technically am dating him." I mumbled earning a glare from Kim. "It's just not going to be a permanent relationship."

"You guys are cute together."

"Thanks." I sent her a cheesy grin since the rest of the girls just walked in all asking what we were doing for practise today; have to love being the captain.

Cheer leading practise ended exactly when football practise ended, meaning the boys were trying to either; 1. Get into the girls pants or 2. Make out with their girlfriends. Dylan was trying to do both but being the buzzkill I was according to Kim I was to tired to go along with it.

"What's wrong?" He asked, as he placed his hands on my waist turning me around so I was facing him.

"I'm tired, sweaty and I just want to shower."

"You seem pissed at me." He stated poking my nose.

"Because I really don't want to go on that double date." I whined, telling him the actual reason fort bad mood.

"Alex, we're most likely going to the fair this Saturday, we will barely see them."

"Still, I don't want to hang out with my ex and current boyfriend."

"I'll win a big stuffed bear for you to sleep with when I'm not around?" He said, a small smile found its way onto my face because I absolutely love big bears; I'm like a 3 year old when it comes to this type of stuff.

"You can't use that against me."

"But I did."

"Fine." I groaned, standing in my tippy toes to give him a peck on the lips. "I'll go, but if he does anything to annoy me I'll slap him with a pluto pup."

"He won't, he's too scared of me."

"I'm sure he is."

Dylan told Kim that we would go and that he wanted to do the carnival thing, she of course was very happy and couldn't wait.

Once I was back in my dorm room, I immediately got into bed and went to sleep, leaving everything I had to worry about behind.


@maddiigrace_xo updated? No, she never updates. Well I did and honestly this chapter has almost sent me to my grave bc I have re wrote it 16 different ways. But anyway here is a chapter

Xoxoxo.... Please don't hate me.

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