e i g h t e e n

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A/N Hey guys!! I know I've been dead for a good 4 months. So I suggest to re-read chapter 17... to know what has previously happened because I actually had to re-read it to write this.

~ Dylan's POV ~

I can't believe I actually said those things to her, yeah she was driving me absolutely insane but I shouldn't have snapped like that. To be honest I didn't even want to go to the carnival, I would ratherhave stayed at home in bed and watch movies with her. No I don't mean 'Netflix and Chill' I mean actually watch movies with her. I thought that maybe she would have a good time, but who was I kidding hanging out with her ex boyfriend was maybe the dumbest thing I have ever made anyone do.

The worst thing is I am not the type of guy that will chase after any girl after a fight, and what am I doing right now? I'm technically running around the carnival looking for the girl that has started to change me. The only thing that was running through my head was that I wasn't going to able to make her forgive me, she was the most stubborn person I had ever met, she never likes to admit that she is wrong, and doesn't like to be treated like shit; which is exactly what I did, I hurt her.

Just when I was about to give up and head back to the dorms, thinking that she may have gotten a ride home with someone I seen her a few metres ahead, if she wasn't the only thing on my mind at the moment I wouldn't have seen her. By the looks of it she was on the phone, most likely to a taxi company or something, I quickly walked up behind her and taped her on the shoulder, she glanced behind her and hung up her phone.

"Alex I-" She didn't let me finish my sentence, before she smashed her lips against mine, shocking me at first but I quickly kissed back. 

"I'm sorry for being a dick." I breathed when we finally pulled apart. "I was just trying to do all the lovey dovey shit you see in the movies."

"Want to know a little hint?" She whispers.


"Don't take a girl on a date to hang out with her ex boyfriend." 

"I'll keep that in mind for next time."

"Sorry for being in a mood." She replied. "I just really hate him."

"Yeah I know, you have every right to hate him."

"Take me home."

"Yeah ok, come one."

"No, not yet." She replied, pulling my arm back so I was standing next to her. "We still have to go on the ferris wheel."

"But you said -" 

"I know what I said, but we have to be that cliché couple remember?" 

"Ok, just because I carried your books to class once, does not make us a cliché couple." I replied, letting out a small laugh. 

"Oh it does, I'm pretty sure the entire football team and cheer squad is talking about it." 

"They are not." 

"They are!" She laughed, I don't know what it is about her laugh all I know is that every time she does I just want to keep making it occur. "You have to admit, everyone was calling us it when you decided to announce it to the entire hall." 

"Why would they?" 

"Because, head cheerleader, captain of the team?" 

"You watch too many chick flicks." 

"I actually remember you asking me out using that excuse so?" 

" Ok, I have to admit I was a little pushy." I reply, a slight smirk forming onto my face. "But, I got you in the end didn't I?" 

"Yeah you did." By the time this short but almost cute conversation was over, we were at the start of the line in order to get one the ferris wheel. I could see by the look on her face that she was excited but fear was taking over her, I could tell by the way her hand was gripping onto my arm and refusing to let go. 


The ferris wheel was just how I expected it to be, Alex gripping onto my arm and not letting go, closing her eyes when we got to the top and almost running off when we finally got back to the bottom after the ride ended. 

"I'm never doing that again." She stated as we walked towards her dorm room. 

"I assumed that." 

She suddenly stopped and it took me a few seconds to realise that we were standing in front of her dorm room, I could hear the TV on inside so Kim must have already been back. 

"I'll see you tomorrow ok?" I said snapping her back into reality. 

"Uh- yeah." 

"Are you ok?" 

"Yeah, i'm just tired and need sleep." 

"Ok, well night." I replied, as I grabbed her cheek softly and leant into kiss her it didn't take her long to kiss back. 

"Night." she whispered, after she detached our lips and she quickly slipped through her dorm room door before anything else could be said. 

Yeah, I was in deep and it hasn't even been 3 months.

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