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Being stuck in between Dylan and a wall was definitely something I didn't expect to happen tonight, he suddenly started pulling me into the living room once again.

"What are you doing?" I asked, sounding annoyed because I was.

"We, are going to dance."

"I told you I don't want to dance." I replied, looking around for Kim, but she already seemed to have a different guys tongue down her throat.

"Why don't you want to dance with me?"

"Because, you. are. not. my. type."

He pulled me towards him within an instant, making my breath hitch.

"I can change that." He whispered in my ear, making a shiver run down my spine once again.

"Can you now?" I replied, "you don't seem to be doing a very good job." I smirked as I pushed him away, leaving at least half a metre gap in between us.

"What? Am I too bad for your good girl personality?"

"Oh babe, haven't you ever heard the saying? 'Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught?" I Spun on my heel and walked towards and out the front door. I have only had one drink, whenever I went to get another one the kitchen was either too full or I was being dragged back out to dance; meaning ill still be able to drive home, I'm sure Kim will manage to get home at some point.

Just as I approached the car door, I heard the familiar husky voice yell out my name across the front 'yard' of the apartments blocks. I couldn't stop myself, I turned around a smirk plastered across my face. He rand towards me, not being effected by the short distance.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Your phone number?"

"What if I don't have a phone?"

"Yeah right," he scoffed. "A hot girl like you doesn't have a phone? I don't believe you."

"Oh I have a phone." I laughed. "You're just not getting my number."

"Listen, I feel like a complete and utter try hard right and I'm not enjoying it."

"Well Mr. Try hard, if I actually give you my number will you let me leave this party before the AM?"

"Promise." He replied, grinning like a three-year-old. "but I have to admit all my favorite conversations are made in the AM."

I gave back his phone, my number freshly added to it. Watching him put his phone back in his pocket.

"By the way." I say, getting his attention to snap back to me. "I like your Cobain shirt."  

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