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My black eye is finally fading, it took almost 2 weeks but it is almost gone. Dylan has been coming around a lot lately to visit since I have been refusing to leave my dorm, I haven't seen much of Kim since the night Daniel punched me. But I knew why, this always happens when she gets a boyfriend, she'll disappear.

"Alex," Dylan asked. "Alex seriously get up."

I rolled over and groaned shoving my head in my pillow to try and muffle the noise that Dylan was making.

"You have to get up."

"What time is it?" I asked lifting my head up.


"How did you even get in here."

"Kim obviously" He replied "Now get up."

"Why?" I groaned

"Because I have to get a suit."

"Why would Dylan Cooper need a suit, are you getting married behind my back?"

"No but my sister is."

"Ugh fine." I replied flinging the blankets off me.

"Thanks babe."

"It's too early for this." I replied "Is my black eye gone?"


"Thank fuck."I replied "I'm going to shower."

I took my phone into the bathroom with me, just so I didn't end up with 101 photos of Dylan on there. As I was in the shower I heard my phone buzz from a text message. I unlocked it to see a message from Dylan.

Dylan: Send me a picture, I miss your face and well your body ;)

Me: Dylan stop asking me for nudes!

I got out the shower and blow dried my hair and ran the straightener through it. I put on natural looking make up, I wrapped my towel tightly around me and walked out into the room where I found Dylan lying in my bed on his phone.

"Oh now I get it you didn't send me a photo you were going to show me in person." Dylan says looking up from his phone "That's so sweet."

"Shut up smart arse" I grabbed my clothes and walked back into the bathroom. I wore a plain black jumpsuit with sandals and a denim vest (A/n Picture on the side).

Shopping with Dylan is worst then shopping with Kim, he try's on everything and anything that looks decent. After about 3 hours of looking around in every men's store there was we finally found on that he liked the look of. It was just plain black pants with a plain black jacket and a plain black tie he was going to wear it with a white shirt, the suit was like 100 of the other ones that he tried on today but he said it felt good to wear. As we were walking out the shop he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a boutique.

"What are we doing in here?"

"We have to get you a dress."

"What for?"

"You're coming to the wedding with me."

"I am?"

"Well I'm not going to go alone now, am I?"

"Would I be the first girl to meet your family?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah" he replied "Yeah you would."

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