s e v e n t e e n

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You know when you really don't want I do something, you start getting that sick feeling in your stomach like it's telling you not to do it? That's how I was feeling right now. Dylan and I just arrived to the fair and I wanted to leave, right now.

"Stop freaking out." Dylan said, grabbing my hand as we walked into the carnival.

"I'm not freaking out."

"You are."

"Am not."

"Ok, well stop your hands from sweating, it feels weird."

"You don't have to hold my hand you know."

"Yeah I actually do." He replied, giving me a side glance. "It's called being a gentlemen."

"In my opinion, gentlemen wouldn't make their girlfriends go out on a double date, with their ex."

"Think of this as a favour."

"Shittest favour I've ever received." I whispered underneath my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear.


We stayed with them for half an hour, I dragged Dylan away when I felt the urge to murder Daniel. Kim wasn't the happiest when she realised we weren't coming back from the food stand, but I couldn't stand being around him for another second. Dylan wasn't letting me leave until we went on the ferris wheel, as cheesy as that sounds.

"Dylan can we just go?" I asked, hoping to god he would say yes.

"No, we are almost there."

"We have been in this line for twenty five minuets, my feet hurt!"

"Exactly, I'm not leaving until we get on there, we'll be the next lot of people to go on."

"Why? are you doing this to me." I groaned.

"Can you get out of this mood? "

"What mood?"

"The mood you're in."

"I'm not in a mood."

"Fuck off, you are."

"What is up with you?" I replied, slightly shocked to where this change of attitude has come from, he was in a good mood 2 minuets ago.

"I'm trying to be a normal boyfriend and do nice shit for you and all you're doing is whinging!"

"I'm not whinging."

"Please, Alex you have been whinging from the second we got here." He replied, letting go of my hand to cross his arms over his chest.

"Maybe because I didn't want to be here in the first place!" I snapped." I didn't want to spend the night with my ex boyfriend, who broke my heart and my new boyfriend who is apparently best friends with him!"

"I'm not best friends with him?" He replied, as though it was a question.

"Oh really? Every time we are together he somehow is on the phone to you, and sometimes even with you!"

"I'm sorry that we are roommates, and that we are on the same football team!" He replied, raising his voice the slightest bit. "Jesus, I can't just change rooms and give up something that I love to do just because my girlfriend who I haven't even been with for 6 months wants me too."

"You know what Dylan?"


"Enjoy the fucking ferris wheel." I replied, and then walked off not caring that he was my ride home or that I may have just screwed up the thing that I am getting paid to do.


I didn't know how I was going to get home, I didn't want to call Kim because she is obviously still with Daniel and I didn't want him to know that Dylan and I had a fight. I wondered around the carnival with my phone in hand, I tried calling all the girls from cheer but they all had been drinking or were doing something of their own. I began to think that I should just call Dylan and apologise, I had to do something anyway Crystal would kill me if I didn't pull through with this. It was like Crystal knew I was thinking her because my phone began to ring and it was her.

"Hey." I answered, trying to act like I just didn't screw up.

"Don't hey me!" She almost screamed through the phone. "What the hell happened with you and Dylan?"

"U-uh what are you talking about?"

"I mean the fact that you two just had a fight in the middle of the carnival!"

"How did you know about that?" I asked, slightly confused since it only happened half an hour ago.

"Dylan called Justin, and since I'm with Justin he told me!"

"Crystal I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Do what?"

"Crystal I can't keep seeing Dylan, I'm done trying to break his heart for you."

A/N - HEY I know that it has been a really really really long time but I don't know i just haven't had the motivation/ ideas for this... BUT I AM GOING TO TRY AND GET BACK INTO IT I PROMISE

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