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I had 45 minuets to get ready before I had to meet Dylan at the grill in town, I decided against wearing what I wore to cheer training. I wore high waisted denim shorts with a simple black crop and a thin white cardigan I finished off the look with back boot pumps and a simple Aqua stone necklace. Just as I was leaving Kim walked through the door and she wasn't alone, she was with the boy that broke my heart.

"Uh hey Kim? I said awkwardly as I searched for my keys

"Oh Alex I didn't think you were going to be home until later"

"Yeah I'm going out but I needed to get changed"

"Oh well this is my boyfriend Daniel"

"Boyfriend?" Is all I managed to choke out.


"Nice to meet you Alex" he says adding a smirk that I just want to slap off his face.

"Nice too meet you too" I reply "Well I have to go but yeah, bye Kim"

How is Kim dating him I mean she knows I used to doesn't she? I need to talk to her but right now I have to focus on doing what I'm being paid to do, break Dylan's heart. The drive to the grill is short, and when I pull in to the car park I can see Dylan's Black Range Rover, and him getting out of it, he is wearing a pair of black shorts and a cobain shirt, and converses I have to admit he looks extremely good. I park pretty close to the door so it was only a short walk, I really hope they have got the air - con fixed it is way to hot to have to sit in a crowded room in this heat.

As I walked inside the cool air that hits my face makes me relax immediately, Dylan is sitting in a small two seater table in the middle of the room, his legs were shaking, is he nervous or is the air-con on too low?. As I walked over to him I noticed all the girls in the room staring at him, and the second I sat down in front of him.

"Hey Good Girl"

"I have already told you, I am not a Good Girl"

"That's too bad, because a good girl is like a sweet lemonade on a hot summers day"

"Oh god what have I agreed to have dinner with?"

"Hey don't blame it on me, your the one that asked"

"I had to ask once, you asked me how many times?"

"Well you eventually gave in"

"Well I thought about it and I thought what type of girl would I be if I turned down a date with the Dylan Cooper"

"Well you would of been the first"

"Shit can I go back an hour and change my mind?"

"No, you cannot because I have been looking forward to this"

"Have you?"

"Well when you try to win over a girl for two weeks you get excited when she finally agrees to have dinner with you, just saying"

"Oh well I'm glad I made your day"


Things starting getting really awkward, I had nothing to talk about because being the idiot that I am, didn't think to ask Crystal what to talk to him about. When he finally broke the silence that was silencing suffocating me, it wasn't the conversation starter I wanted.

"So? Should we order?"

"Yeah let's do that"

I ordered the garden salad, while Dylan ordered a hamburger and fries. He kept asking me how I could get full over 'rabbit food' but to be honest I will be lucky if I even finish this today.

"So Alex"

"So Dylan"

"I have a serious question for you"

"And what would that be"

"Do you like Llamas?"

"What type of question is that?"

"Well you sure do eat like one so?"

"That's like me asking you do you hate cow?"

"How" he manages to ask me through his laughing fit.

"You just ate meat"

"So I have seen you eat meat before"

"That's irrelevant"

"Is it just?"

"Yes it is now can we drop the subject please"

"Ok but you still didn't answer"

"Oh my god I don't even know if I do"

"How could you not know if you don't like one of the funniest animals on earth"

"Because I haven't really seen one"

"Your kidding"

"I'm not actually"

After I replied he just suddenly stood up and walked away leaving me sitting there having no idea what just happened. He shortly came back and just stood infront of me.

"What did you do?"

"Paid the Bill"

"Oh how much do I owe you?"

"Nothing babe"

"No seriously what do I owe you"

"Alex you don't owe me anything, actually if you want to pay me back you'll do me the favour of accompanying to the zoo"

"What right now?"

"Yep" he replied popping he 'p'

"Can I ask why?"

"Because Alex, I am going to show you what a llama looks like"

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