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"You'll be fine, babe," Dylan says, looking across at me and smiling slightly as he rubs his thumb across my hand.

"Okay," I say, smiling slightly as I look down at our intertwined hands.

We have been driving for about 1 hour. His family lived in Newcastle so we had an hour and a bit to go and we should be there, maybe longer since the traffic in Sydney is shit but that is the one of the perks of living in the city.

"You really do look lovely today," Dylan says, smirking as he leans closer to me over the centre console.

"What?" I ask, wondering why he's acting stranger than normal.

"In other words," he whispers, leaning closer so his hot breath is ghosting over my lips. "I think we should make out."

I immediately unbuckle my seatbelt and push him back into his seat, attacking his lips with mine. His tongue begins playing with mine and I have to fight back a moan.

I remove my lips from his for a short time, and removed his shirt.
"Babe." I breathed while I ran my hands "The car behind us is beeping."

"Alex," he says, peering up through his long lashes so his blue eyes meet my brown ones.

"I honestly don't give a fuck."


We finally got to Dylan's family home, later then we planned. The traffic only got worst and there were a few more un-expected make-out sessions.

"You ready?" Dylan asks looking over at me.

"No," I admitted." But lets go in before they think you are dead."

He laughed lightly as he got out of the car and walked over to my door to open it for me.

"You'll be fine," He whispered in my ear, leaving a small kiss on my temple as we made our way to the front door.

We were about halfway to the front door when it suddenly threw open showing a young boy who looked the age of eleven.

"Dyl!" The boy yelled as he ran down the steps to jump on Dylan.

"Hey Jeddidiah," Dylan replied with a giant grin on his face.

"Ugh don't start that again," The boy groaned

"Oh come on you love it," Dylan replied, slipping his hand back into mine again. "Alex this is my little brother Jed, Jed this is my girlfriend Alex."

"Hi, Jed" I smiled down at him, "It's nice to meet you."

"Uh...Hi," He stuttered "Dylan you guys should probably come inside I think mum thinks your dead."

"Come on then, we better go and tell her that her favorite and hottest child is finally here."

As we walked through the front door I could smell freshly homemade chocolate chip cookies instantly reminding me of my mums. I quickly push that thought away not wanting to think of that at the moment.

"Mum!" Dylan yelled, "Your favorite is home!"

"In the kitchen!"

Jed walked off into what I assumed is the kitchen leaving Dylan and myself standing in the hallway.

"You're handling this extremely well," Dylan said to me as I began to look around taking in the house

"Its not as weird as I thought it was going to be."

"Don't worry, you still have to meet the rest of the family."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"I have an older sister obviously, another sister who is 14 and Jed."

"Wow," I breathed, "I didn't know you had so many."

"How about you?" He asked looking down at me.

"I have an older brother."

"Well I hope I can meet him soon," he replied smirking.

"If you're lucky."

"Come on, let's go introduce you to mum," he replied grabbing my hand.

As we walked into the kitchen a 5"5 women with shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes like Dylan's.

"Hi Mum, this is Alex."

"HI Alex it is a pleasure to meet you." She says smiling "I'm Carol."

"Nice to meet you too," I reply, "You have a lovely home."

"Thank you, how was the car ride?"

"It was long and interesting" I can see the smirk on Dylan's face from the corner of my eye and I really want to slap it off his face.

"Where's dad?" Dylan asked breaking the short silence.

"He went to pick up Hayley from her friends house."

"And Amanda?"

"She'll be here in the morning around nine."

"Yeah I don't think this one over here will be alive then," Dylan replied nodding his head towards me.

"Hey!" I replied, "I will be.

"You keep thinking that sweetie."

Dylan wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer into him.

"Keep it PG guys, I'm still eleven." Jed adds in.

Dylan laughs, but nevertheless pulls me closer to him, resting his head on my shoulder before whispering quietly so only I can hear him. "You have me wrapped around your finger, Alex."

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