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My eyes widen at the action, quickly shoving him lightly at the shoulders to push him off on instinct.

He looks up at me, blue eyes wide in shock that he actually did that.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammers out. "That wan't supposed to happen," he says quietly, looking at the ground.

I sigh, grabbing his chin and tilting it up to look in his eyes. "Dylan," I say. 'What do you think we are?"

"Just friends."

I pause for a moment, considering my options before doing the one thing I know both of us want. I lean forward on my tippy toes, my hot breath ghosting over his neck and I feel him shiver.

"Fuck just friends," I whisper before leaning in and crashing my lips against his again, but more heated this time. His hands immediately go to my waist and I curl my hands up around his neck. We broke away when my dorm room door flew open and there stood Daniel.

" What the hell?"

"Daniel?" Dylan asks, sounding completely annoyed.

"Alex, Kim was just about to call you."


"To tell you that she is going to stay in my, well our, dorm tonight," he replies. "She wanted to make sure you knew where she was since we just met and all."

"Don't act dumb Daniel, I know you used date," Dylan says.

"Oh so the truth is out, well next time it would be a good idea to remember the 'bros before hoes' code."

"We were just kissing!" He replies "And last time I checked, your the one who cheated on her."

"Just kissing?" Daniel asks, not like it is any of his business anyway.

"Yeah, you know what that is. I mean, you got plenty of practise you know, dating me and hooking up with all them girls behind my back" I snap looking him dead in the eye. "I just hope you aren't fucking stupid enough to do it to Kim."

"Don't worry sweetie I only do it to sluts like you who are too dumb to notice."

"Dude that is fucking low and you know it," Dylan snaps.

"It's the truth."

"Well maybe you should look up the word 'truth,' because I know for a fact that isn't."

"How would you know?" Daniel replies "At least I've fucked her."

The next course of events are a blur, all I can recall is Dylan jumping on Daniel and throwing multiple punches.

I tried my hardest to break them up but that failed when Daniel's fist collided with my face and knocked me to the ground.

"What the fuck?!" Dylan yelled pushing Daniel up against the wall "Why the fuck would you hit her!?"

"I didn't fucking mean to!"

"So that is why you punched her in the fucking face!"

"What the fuck is going on out here," Kim says, throwing the door to our dorm room wide open as she steps out into the hall. 

"Your fucking boyfriend punched Alex" 

"What!" She yells "Why the fuck would you do that!" 

"Oh my fucking god!" he yells back "I didn't fucking mean it!"

"I don't care if you didn't fucking mean it you still should fucking stop when a girl is in front of you" Dylan snaps 

"Just fucking let me go" 

Dylan let go of Daniel's shirt and rushed over to me. I was still sitting on the ground with my hand on my cheek.

"Alex, Babe are you ok?" Dylan asks with worry in his voice and eyes. 

"I'm fine, I just need some ice" I reply "And maybe some pain killers" 

"I'm sorry Alex I didn't mean it" Daniel says. 

"Just leave" I reply standing up and begin walking inside my dorm room.

Kim followed me in leaving Dylan and Daniel standing out in the hall, not talking just standing I really hope they don't kill each other. 

"Alex are you ok?" 

"I'm fine"

"I am so sorry I didn't think this would happen I just heard you and Dylan outside talking so I sent Daniel out there to tell you that I was staying at his dorm room, I didn't want you to worry about me since you only just met him today and I-" She began to ramble on and that's when I decided to tell her that today was not the first time I have met Daniel. 

"Kim" I reply but she continues to ramble on with how she is sorry and didn't mean for this to happen. "Kim!" 


"Today wasn't the first time I met Daniel"

"What?" she replies crinkling her eyebrows together. 

"Daniel is the Daniel that broke my heart last year when I was 17" her eyes widen in shock. 

"That's Daniel?" she replies "The Daniel that cheated on you, the Daniel  that broke your heart" 

"Yeah" I manage to choke out this has to be the most awkwardest moment of my life. 

"I am so sorry I didn't know"

"Kim, its ok as long as your happy"


"Yes Really" 

"So you wouldn't hate me if I go and stay the night at his dorm?" 

"No I wouldn't hate you" 

"Would you be pissed?"

"No Kim just go, I want to go to bed" 

"So is Dylan staying here?"

"I'm not sure probably not" I reply looking up at the door that is now half closed 

"Just do me a favour?"


"Just don't rush into things" 

"Don't worry Kim I'm not going to fall for him" 

"Alex you can't help for who you fall for"

"Kim, I'm too broken to fall for anyone again" 

"Alex" She sighs "Your not broken just bent and you can learn to love again" 

"Thats the problem Kim" I reply "I don't think I can"

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