Chapter 7

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I stood in the kitchen, warming up a good portion of the casserole in the microwave.

Harry followed me. Probably to avoid the uncomfortable situation of being questioned over everything by my sister.

He stood in the doorway, seemingly unsure of himself.

"C'mere." I told him, while placing the hot plate on the kitchen table, not without burning my fingers, then I placed the cutlery next to it.

Harry nodded and sat down carefully, like if he was scared to destroy something. His insecure behaviour made me smile.

I finally sat down across from him with a coffee cup that I sipped on thoughtfully.

He sat bolt upright on the chair, holding the cutlery elegantly in fragile fingers. The bites that he meticulously pushed onto his fork with the knife were small and he chewed slowly with his mouth closed.

He had manners that I had never dared dreaming of. This boy fascinated me through and through.

I couldn't take my eyes off his shapely jaw.

"So, Lou... What are we gonna do with the rest of today?" Harry asked while glancing at the kitchen clock, when he finished his meal.

I shrugged with my shoulders, pretending to think about his question intensely. It was five o'clock in the afternoon, tomorrow was a regular school day again.

"How long are you allowed to stay here? Is there a time you have to be back home?" I asked, because obviously this was a point to be considered in the further planning.

"Open end." He grinned at my confusion.

"So, your parents don't care?"

"My mom is working in nightshifts; my dad does not live with us and Gemma is happy to have alone-time."

"Are you gonna stay the night?" I asked and couldn't suppress the hopeful subtone in my voice. Maybe I was a bit too straight forward, but the only thing he did was letting out a raspy giggle.

"If you want me to." He replied and caused a comfortable warmth spread in my body. Probably I blushed, too.

"Whatever, let's decide that spontaneously." He continued and thus suppressed my answer.

I just nodded, wordless.

"What about apple pie?" He asked out of no conversation.

I frowned. "What?"

"You asked me whether I'd bake you an apple pie, remember? I looked out of the window, when I was in your room. There's even an apple tree in your garden." He said enthusiastically with sparkling emerald green eyes.

"We can do that, if you really want... But actually, it was a joke when I asked you and... I'm a lousy baker."

"No matter, it's gonna be fun, I swear." He said with a sassy smirk on his lips.

I got a ladder and Harry inspected the apple tree in the meantime.

It was raining. Actually, you didn't feel any drops, just spray.

It was this drizzle that went through all the clothes, which is why I would have liked to keep the harvest as short as possible.

Harry seemed not to care. His hair was already sticking in wet strands on his forehead, but he was insanely calm.

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