1 - Letter From Afar

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIRD PERSON P

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"This... This is from him?"
"Yes sir. If... You can see it says to send it DIRECLY to you and it came from Austria Hungary..."
"Are you sure? It's been... 2 months since he last mai--"
"Sir it's from him. Don't worry, why else would he make me personally send this to you?"

German Empire took the envelope and examined it for a few seconds before sighing, "Thank you... You're... Dismissed I guess.." he closed the door and glared at it for another second until he snapped back to reality as soon as he heard a loud door slam. "WEIMAR WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME!?" The adult yelled whilst he carefully placed the envelope on a nearby drawer.

Groaning, German Empire replied, "Just give him some time and he'll open it up soon..! Something important arrived.."

He sighed and grabbed back the envelope and started to pull out the neatly folded paper in it. He wondered to himself as it has been quite some time since his old friend last kept in touch with him.

Good day, my old friend, German Empire,

How have you been Empire? How is Reich, Weimar and your father? I know this is a bit sudden due to the fact that a battle between you and the 'Big 2' has just started, but you've stopped replying to the letters that I've been sending you for the last 3 weeks, which of course, made me deeply agitated to say the least. Nonetheless, if you're wondering how I am, I'm doing fine as I just finished eating lunch by the time I finish writing this.

Let's ignore all of that, the reason why I made someone personally mail you this is because I'll be visiting you! Surprise! Well I still have to pack my things and sort out some paperwork that my leader told me to do which might cause me to delay but I'll try to go there by around... Tomorrow before lunch but I'll try to go there much more later so we can eat brunch since you usually wake up at 11AM, or did your sleeping routine change already?

Oh well, before I end this letter can we perhaps eat Bratwurst for lunch/brunch? I miss eating it with you, and if possible can we eat in your house? Either a take away or you cooking it will be good enough for me.

See you soon!
Signed, Austria Hungary.

Empire blinked for a few seconds before looking up as he finished reading it, I... wasn't replying to his letters for 3 weeks..? he thought about it with a disappointed frown. He placed the paper back in the envelope and placed it inside the drawer, "WEIMAR!" he exclaimed as he went to the kitchen.

Weimar came running down the stairs and immediately went beside his father, "What do you need help with?" he questioned. "Can you help me with preparing breakfast? And deliver some to your... To Reich..." Empire sighed at the end. Weimar became silent for a moment before asking his father, "What are we gonna prepare?"

"Just a simple grilled cheese sandwich I guess, you go prepare the toast"


"Weimar? Are you done?" I asked.
He nodded in reply before handing me 4 pieces of toasted bread, "Here you go, it's still a bit hot"
I smiled in reply and started to prepare 2 sandwiches.

I deeply exhaled and started up a conversation, "So how is Reich?"
"He's... alright I guess, he's still misses his friend and he usually locks himself in his room..." Weimar pouted.
"Oh? The Russian? What even is that child doing?"
"Reich said that his friend needed to handle something, he didn't specify and just... left it off like that, making Reich grow much more worried for him..."

Weimar shrugged his shoulder before pulling himself on the counter to see my progress, "Oh! Looks like you're done!" he happily exclaimed. I chuckled, "Yes I am. Now bring this to Reich for me now, yeah?" Weimar nodded his head before grabbing the 2 sandwiches and started to ran back up the stairs.

"By the way, dad!" Weimar called me out.
"When will you cut your mustache?! It looks fun--"
"You already said that to me 3 times already! I'll cut it soon!"
"Sorry! I was just wondering!" He chuckled nervously before disappearing from my sight.

I raise an eyebrow to myself, Does it really look that bad...? I walk to the bathroom and opened up the lights to see myself in the mirror. "Oh... It really does look bad.." I softly say to myself, "I'll shave it right now..."

I was about to grab the razor from the counter before I heard the doorbell ring. "Huh. What a coincidence..."


Empire got out of the bathroom and he turned off the lights, he went to the front door to see a slightly taller man in front of him.

"Who... You're against the light I can't see you..."
"Aww come on Empire! Didn't you receive the letter!?"
It took a while for the German to process but realized who it was, "Austria..?! I-I thought you're arriving tomorrow..!" Empire stammered.

Austria only chuckled, "I guess they sent it pretty late..? When did the guy send it?" he asked. "Just... 30 minutes ago..." Empire replied hesitantly. The 2 adults could only stare at each other in silence before the taller one could only laugh, "That's certainly surprising! Now could you let me in? It's burning hot out here"

Empire nodded his head and moved aside and saw his friend getting comfortable at the couch, "Well, since that letter got here pretty late we still have some time to chat and we can go eat lunch! ...Or brunch but who cares!" Austria exhaled.

"Anyways, Empire why did you stop replying to my letters?"
"I didn't receive anything... The last time your letters were sent to me was 2 months ago.."
Austria stared at his friend who sat beside him and raised his brow, "That's... peculiar... But oh well! So how's your children?" he asked as he casually changed the topic.

"Weimar is fine but... Reich has been... Growing.... Very distant towards me..." Empire hesitated.
The other could only react with a frown, "I hope he'll turn out fine... Have you been giving him enough attention or... You know, father and son things?" Austria questioned.

The German bit the inside of his cheek and was about to answer before Austria cutting him off, "Ugh! Let's just ignore that sad part... We'll talk about that soon. So did your sleeping schedule change already? Your up early" Austria teased. "I've been trying to fix it since last week..." Empire answered.

Austria got up and left his luggage on the couch and glanced at his friend, "Go dress up! Let's go out, eat, and fix yourself up! You look like a mess! No offense.." he exclaimed as he grabbed his friend's wrist and pulled him up beside him. "And do hurry up! Because I have several things planned for us!"


Word Count: 1 220

1st chapoter done!!!
its raining very heavily here since its rainy season for my country so there might be power outages </3

tbh this is very short for me but ok

goodluck on reading this book and thank u for choosing to read this!!

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