14 - Overwhelming Shame

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Austria blinked then looked down on the floor, he started playing with his fingers. "I... I don't know what to say, I'm so sorry..." He mumbled out. Empire sighed and glanced up at Austria, "Don't be sorry... I'm at fault to begin with, if I ever told Prussia or the public what happened to my brother, maybe things turned out differently..."

Empire slouched on the headrest of the couch, "I expected him to come back, but after a few days of him not showing up... My father became worried about him, now that I think about it... I don't think he was that concerned about my brother's safety, but rather than the fact that he lost... One of the people destined to be the representative..."

Both of them sat in silence before Austria let out a sigh, "You were just a kid back then, of course you wouldn't know what to do! You were also pressured by your father, you have every---" Austria was caught off by Empire covering his mouth. Empire looked up to him then shook his head, "You--- I... I just can't find the words... But..."

"I keep lying to everyone I know, not to mention when I finally tell all my problems to a person... I feel like they're carrying a burden..."

Austria blinked then tilted his head, "I know it's hard to process your emotions and how you blurt them out, but... I'll wait for you. Until you're ready to talk to me, I'll be right here" he smiled. Empire only smiled and nodded his head, "Thanks for being here with me..." Empire stated as he held the other's hand, resulting in Austria tensing up and slightly blushing.

"N-Now that I think about it... How are you and your wife?"

The question made Empire's eyes widen and pull away from Austria, "What did she react when she found out that you were on the Battle of Somme? Considering you're the representative and she's a high ranked military officer, of course she'd receive the news. You were even mentioned in my country's newspapers..." his friend added.

"She killed herself..."

Empire started to tear up, "S-She wasn't at the military in the first p-place... She was in charge of cleaning up the uniforms of the dead soldiers then stitching them back up for new recruits to wear..." Empire stated. Austria was left speechless, he only continued to listen to his friend's statement.

"When she figured out that I was on the battlefield... She couldn't handle the f-fact that I would've d--"
Austria interrupted, "You don't have you continue... You mustn't force yourself..."

Empire started trembling but soon burst into tears, he quickly hugged Austria by the side resulting in the other hugging him back and stroking his arm. Austria only sighed heavily, "I'm also so sorry to hear that your wife has died... The grief will... Last who knows how long, but, I will always be here for you, alright?"

Austria let out a comforting smile, Empire glanced up and only smiled. "You're right... Thank you for being here with me... I appreciate it, so much..." Empire stuttered out, before bursting into tears once again. Austria sighed and patted Empire's back, they were both interrupted with Weimar's footsteps growing closer to them.

"...Papa..?" A soft voice spoke up.

Austria turned around to see Weimar peeking by the corner, with Reich standing just right behind him. Empire tensed up and quickly wiped off his tears and soon turned around to see both of his kids, he waved hello and signaled them to come closer. Weimar ran up to his father while Reich rushed up beside between the 2 adults.

"What were you 2 talking about?" Reich asked, Empire and Austria looked at each other and smiled nervously. "We were just talking about the things happening... In his country! Yeah... And how his kids are doing..." Empire lied, Weimar raised a brow, "...He has kids?"

"I thought you already told them?" Austria glanced at Empire.
"They must've forgotten..."
Reich spoke up, "What are their names?"
"Austria and Hungary"

Weimar and Reich frowned at each other, "Well that's real creative of you..." Weimar commented whilst Empire just laughed out loud. "He is known being creative you could say that... Take a look of his flag" Empire commented, Austria just scoffed and shook his head in reply. "Anyways... What do you guys need?"

"Me and Reich want to walk outside"
"Oh, do you want me and Austria to accompany with you both?"
"Sure! Come on Reich, let's prepare!"

Reich nodded his head and followed his brother upstairs, Austria tilted his head to his friend, "Why didn't you tell them about their mother..?" Empire only looked away at the statement and stood up. "I do not want to tell them about their mother's death right now... I barely had the time to grieve for her death because I received the letter while in the trenches..."

Austria sighed and nodded his head, "Look, let's just continue this discussion when we're walking already... Come on, they're probably already ready..." 


As we continue to walk, I feel Austria nudge my shoulder making me glance at him. "Come on, let's talk!" Austria exclaimed, "Your 2 kids are talking as they explore the things around them. Let's continue our discussion earlier"

I only raised a brow before groaning, "Fine then... Is it about my wife or what it was like in the trenches?" I question him. Austria shook his head, "You don't have to force yourself to talk about your wife just because I want to... If you don't want to talk about her, that's completely fine..."  he explained.

"...Now I also want to talk about her... I've needed someone to talk to I guess..."
"Mhm, go ahead. I'll listen"
"I received the letter at around mid-September... Once I read it, I didn't know what to feel... To be honest, I have no idea why but it just made me... More aggressive..." I explained.
Austria leaned in curiosity, "More aggressive? How?"

"I don't really remember but the people with me... They told me how I was always dangerously rushing into the battlefield. The only thing I remember was I grabbed my spade, rushed to the open and stabbed a French infantryman, I think..."

Austria's eyes widened and let out a small chuckle, "You stabbed a one of them? With a spade?" he asked. Empire shrugged his shoulders, "That's what I remember... The other people with me needed to always pull me out in that situation, as they proceeded to scold me on how that's such a risky move, DANGEROUS because I am the representative of the county and if I died then the battle or the lives lost will be at vain..."

"I mean... They do have a point you know, and you shouldn't rush into the open so carelessly..." Austria scolded me.

I groan and slowly nodded my head, "Yeah, yeah... I won't do it again..." I reply as I look up and see Reich and Weimar walking towards the nearby park. "Weimar! Reich! Don't go too far!" I exclaimed, I only heard Weimar yell out in agreement before they both wandered around the park. 

"Speaking of which... How was the trenches? I'm sorry if this... Has any painful reminders for you, but--"
"It's okay, don't worry! It's just that..."

"The trenches were... Dirty. That's the most simple explanation, whenever it would rain, we would have to use our helmets as buckets to throw the water out of the trench. Don't even get me started on the smell and living conditions..! It reeks of... A mix of blood, metal, and dirt... Somme is just a wasteland at this point..."

I sigh and continue walking while Austria followed me, "There's a risk that... The moment you peek your head out of the trenches, you get shot right in the head. It almost happened to me, luckily it only hit my helmet and I immediately fell down right back down in the safety of the trench..." I added. Austria placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled, "Hey... At least you're here now. You're safe and you're alive!"

"Yeah..." I smiled, "You know the real reason why I was pulled back or... Didn't participate on the battlefield anymore?"

Austria crossed his arms, he looked up and started thinking about it. "Is it because of your eye? You have a lot of privileges, you can just waltz out of the battlefield if you want. Considering that if you get shot or killed, everyone in your country loses..."

I shake my head, "Turns out, the news of me participating in the army... Reached to my father..."
Austria's eyes widened, "...Prussia?"

"Y-Yeah... He forced me to leave the battlefield. Considering that he's well known and VERY respected... I didn't dare to go against his wishes..." I stuttered out. I glance up at Austria who didn't utter a single word, "...I may need you to leave in early morning tomorrow..." I stated.

"WHAT?! I just got here!" he protested.
"It's because my father will visit and check on my condition!"

He flinched and immediately froze in place, "I know the history between my father and... Well, your other halves history..." I added. Austria gulped and looked away from me, "...We may have had a rough history... But I'm staying, I also want to hear what he'll say to you and just in case the worst case scenario happens..."


Word count: 1 722

TANGINA MO, JHEPOY DIZON! ANG PANGIT NG PAGMUMUKHA MO, KITA MO NA BANG MUKHA MO SA SALAMIN? TANGINA MO! ANG PANGIT MO, HA? Tangina mo! At anong ang sinasabi mong pulubi at taga-hugas ako ng pinggan ha? TANGINA MO! Tignan mo nga bahay ko, BILLAGE YAN, eh-a-at ikaw naman, ano ha? Tangina mo skwater? HA? Nagyayabang ka pang may laptop at kita mo to hampas ko to sa pagmumukha mo eh no? Tangina mo, ha, ha? Ano, ha? Lalaban pa ka ha? Tangina mo mag-extend ka na dyan, time ka na eh

novemebr 7, 2022: I DONT WANT TO DO SCHOOL ANYMORE LMAOAOOAOAO oh my god look a once in a vblue moon forgive thy lies update ok time to die again BYEBYE LMAOAOAOAO anyways sorry if the format is a little confusing im so mad at my dogs they keep barking they GRRRRR ok THERES A MOSQUITO STUCK IN MY KEYBOARD

thank you for ur patience when reading this book im just soo procrastinating OKOK BYEB YE HAVE FUN WITH UR WEEK or gl surviving jsut like me

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