(SC) Frontlines of Somme

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-Death of a character
-Detailed(?) description of the said death 


Empire flinched as he heard another sound of an artillery, he would constantly hear the sergeants bark orders at the infantryman, Empire could only groan. He positioned himself back up to the back of the machine gun, he closed one of his eyes and concentrated on the battlefield.

"A bit muddy here, eh?"

He jolted up and glanced at the direction where the voice is coming from, "Ah... Nikolaus. What are you doing here? Were you assigned with support?" Empire raised a brow.

Empire met his friend at the first few weeks of his time in the frontline, Nikolaus mostly taught Empire the basics of living in the trenches and the basic necessities on how to handle weapons. Although being a representative is a privilege, you can also get careless and drag yourself into battle with having no clue on how to even operate a gun.

Nikolaus nodded his head as he sat down beside Empire, "You didn't help me trying to convince the sergeant to stay in support..."

"You wanted to be support, then you have to convince them yourself" Empire scoffed before he started firing the machine gun.

Nikolaus sighed, "Don't get cocky now, I taught you how to basically live here and everything you know"
"And I convinced the sergeant to give you better treatment and to also prioritize you"

His friend frowned and rested his head on the wall, "Fine then, you got me there... But how is the battle right now?" Nikolaus asked whilst he reloaded his gun and aimed it at the battlefield. "Nothing could've prepared me for this... It's so muddy, dirty, and all... It reeks of both blood and dirt and not to mention about the random puddles in here"

Empire stopped firing the machine gun and grabbed the spare ammunition from beside him, "Nikolaus! Help me reload this!" Empire exclaimed. Nikolaus dropped his gun and kneeled down beside Empire then placed the ammunition in the gun, "The gunfire is non-stop..." Nikolaus commented.

Before they were able to return to their original positions, they notice the body of their comrade drop right behind them. "FUCK!" Empire shouted out before dropping to the ground and hid himself, Nikolaus slightly peeked out of the battlefield. "RUN! RUN! Empire take cover! Artilleries inbound!"

Nikolaus grabbed Empire's wrist and started dragging him farther to their original spot, "Let's go to the other side! That side is full of artilleries!" Empire almost tripped due to one of the corpses of their allies. Nikolaus pushed Empire to one of the places with a machine gun and also went ahead beside him.

"Go ahead and start firing! Cover your comrades!"

He quickly nodded his head and started shooting soon afterwards, Nikolaus prepared his gun and started shooting to the opposing side. "Just a little chat while we're killing people here, how's your kids!?" Nikolaus questioned him in-between him firing his gun. Empire loudly answered, "FINE! Austria-Hungary is taking care of them for the mean time!"

"The representative of Austria-Hungary!?"
"Wow! Sure must be nice knowing a lot of high ranking people!"
"You should see me and Prussia, my father!"

Empire stopped firing for a second before letting out a heavy exhale, he grabbed his water bottle on his belt then started drinking from it. "I think we have to rush in..!" Nikolaus spoke up, Empire's eyes widened and stopped drinking from his water bottle, almost spitting out some of the liquid,  "Why..!? Are they advancing!?"

Nikolaus furrowed his eyebrows, "No! But a lot of our men are dying out there!"
"...Fine then. Let's go"

Both of them grabbed their guns and reloaded them, Empire stood up and started running towards the enemy side. Nikolaus soon followed after him and started firing first, Empire grabbed his grenade from his belt and threw it. "We have to go back! There's too much gunfire ongoing! It risks us being shot!" Empire yelled out before dragging both of them from an artillery hole.

"We should've fucking stayed in the trench..!" Empire panted out, "I could hear some of the people starting to panic where I am..." he added. Nikolaus grabbed his helmet then a stick before putting his helmet on the stick and raising it up. It wasn't soon after when he felt his helmet get shot at.

"Alright, alright... You go ahead, I'll cover you" Nikolaus stated whilst he reloaded his gun and handed Empire his own gun. Empire quickly nodded his head and started climbing out of the hole before hearing the screams of agony from behind him, "Nik---NIKOLAUS!"

Empire quickly aimed the gun at the enemy and fired it, he saw his friend being burned alive and reaching out to him while screaming. "GO! AHH!!!" Nikolaus managed to bark out whilst he was being burned alive, Empire was about to rush up to him until he was cut off by an artillery landing directly on their spot.

Luckily, he was only flung by a great distance and was just a few meters from the trench they were in. Empire's adrenaline was still high, he couldn't hear anything and only heard the sound of high pitched from both of his ears. "Ugh... N-Niko... Laus..." Empire stuttered out before passing out.

He woke up and saw himself covered in several bandages and laying down on bed, Empire looked around to see that he was not in the frontlines anymore and was in an unfamiliar building. He sat up from his bed and groaned, "This isn't... Somme..." Empire commented.

"No you aren't"

Empire's eyes widened and looked up to see an infantryman right beside him, "I didn't notice you at first... I'm sorry..." Empire scratched the back of his head. The man only nodded his head, "You ended up being hit by an artillery, luckily you survived and no one wanted to risk letting you stay there and hurt yourself even more"

"Understandable... Wait, what about Nikolaus Armbrecht..!?"

The infantryman looked down on the ground and handed him the diary of Nikolaus, Empire's eyes widened as he grabbed the book and examined it. It was near destruction and the pages were covered in blood and dirt, "He--- The artillery landed directly on him, I'm sorry... This was the only thing we could find of what was left of him. His body... I'd rather not get into detail..."

Empire only stared at the book and gripped it tightly, "How long have I been asleep...?" he asks. "Only 2 days, the medic said that you'll be healing here for how long your wounds heal..." the man replied. Empire only nodded his head and handed back the diary to the infantryman.

"Thank you for... Informing me about Nikolaus' fate. Although, please bring this to his family... He lives in Stuttgart. And I wish to be alone for a while..."

He only nodded his head and saluted to Empire, after he grabbed the diary from Empire. The infantryman marched out of the room and left the wounded male alone, it wasn't long before Empire felt himself starting to cry.


Word count: 1 197

ok i die again

sorry i just finished watching "All quiet on the Western Front" and wanted to make this and show empire's perspective while he was at somme lolololol ok bbeye im gonna draw now 

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