6 - His Hidden Desire

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THIRD PERSON P

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Empire let out a heavy exhale then looked over at Austria, "I didn't know that you were good at cooking, especially... What is it called again..?" Empire stated. "It's goulash, it's very famous in my country, you should visit after the war or battle!" Austria exclaimed. Empire chuckled and looked at the clock, "So how long do you want to stay here?" Empire questioned.

"Oh that? I haven't thought about that... I don't know, it depends" Austria replied, Empire just nodded his head. "Anyways, Reich and Weimar! How is it? Is it better than your father's cooking?" Austria leaned closer to the both of them, both of them looked at each other and shrugged.

Weimar spoke up, "It's alright, mmm no offense dad but yea it's better!" Austria puffed up in proud while Empire just groaned in reply. Empire just sighed and smiled slightly at Austria, "Fine then, you win..." Empire pouted. Austria just chuckled and wrapped his arm around the other's neck, "Since I cooked dinner, you wash the dishes, is that fair to you?" he asked.

The smaller man just chuckled, "Yeah... Weimar and Reich, go do your nightly routine... Me and Austria will handle these" Empire stated. Reich nodded and pushed himself away form the chair, "Well uhm... I'm going upstairs now, Weimar are you coming...?" Reich looked over to his sibling who has just finished eating.

He smiled and nodded his head, "Alright, let's play in our room before brushing our teeth, yeah?" Weimar said before getting a hold of Reich's wrist and dragging him upstairs. Reich looked over at Austria's direction and waved goodbye with a bent smile on his face, Austria just chuckled in reply.

Empire looked over at Austria, "Aren't you gonna change your attire?" "No, well not yet... I just wore this suit for like about 5-7 hours only". The other just raised a brow, "Isn't that enough...?" Austria thought about it for a while before shrugging his shoulders, "For me it isn't I guess, now go wash the dishes!" Austria replied.

It took a while but Empire finally finished on washing it, he turned around and saw Austria sitting on the couch while listening to the radio. "How is it?" Empire questioned as he sat down beside him, "Boring speeches about the war... I just can't believe that... The stupid boy killed the heir to the throne, like what the fuc--"

"Hey, hey, hey calm down..! It isn't normal for you to say such foul words..." Empire interrupted Austria as he patted his back. "So it's alright for you to curse and not me..!?" Austria dramatically pouted, "Not exactly, but you cursing doesn't suit your character" Empire replied. Austria blushed at the statement, "You think cursing doesn't fit for me? So you think that I'm a pure and clean soul?" Austria leaned closer to the other with a smirk.

Empire tensed up and backed away for a bit, "That's not what I meant...! You know what, just ignore what I said... Rant and say whatever you want..." Empire scoffed. Austria chuckled and started playing with his tie, "Let's put all of that aside, how are things in your homeland?" Empire suddenly spoke up.

"Oh? Preparing for war of course, people still can't believe that the guy who killed the archduke won't be receiving the death sentence tho..." Austria answered, "Hm... Alright then, and what's your opinion with that?" Empire added, "Well since you told me that cursing isn't fit for me I won't say anything, besides I don't really want to say my opinion on this matter" Austria replied.

"And me and my family have been doing alright, the kids are still energetic as ever. Austria has been more somewhat interested with what'll happen in the war and Hungary is scared, which is a reasonable reaction, I don't know with Austria tho..." Austria replied. Empire just chuckled, the other raised a brow.

"Sort of funny that your kids names are Austria and Hungary when your name is literally the combination of both of them..." Empire explained, "Well it sadly means that my regime won't last that long sadly... Not to mention that my land will be split apart in the future..." Austria stated.

Empire just sighed heavily and leaned his head on the headrest of the couch, "Well I predict that both of my kids will rule the land with ease, and they'll be great representatives!" Empire exclaimed, full of pride and joy. "Reich's friend... Soviet was it?" Empire nodded in reply, "Yeah Soviet, what about him?"

"He seems pretty interesting, I saw a few pictures and glimpse of him. Why does he have a bandage over his right eye? And I've seen his arms slowly starting to develop yellow colored lines despite that he doesn't have any yellow with his flag" Austria added, "I... I don't really know what to answer with that question..." Empire awkwardly said.

Austria sighed and looked away, "That was an overwhelming amount of questions wasn't it?" he chuckled nervously. Empire smiled and waved his hands, "It's alright... I tried asking that to Reich and he just ended up staring at me...". Austria laughed, "Well I'm looking forward for meeting and talking with him more!"

Austria didn't notice but he accidentally fell asleep during mid conversation, probably because that he ate about 3 servings of goulash. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Empire reading a book, "You're awake, good evening" Empire smiled. Austria rubbed his eyes and looked around the place, "Good evening..." he mumbled.

"How was your long power nap?" Empire chuckled, Austria just frowned at the tease. "It was alright I guess... I don't feel energetic or anything at all to be honest... Just wanting to sleep more..." Austria replied. Empire chuckled and nodded his head, he continued on reading the book that he held in his hand.

Empire started to feel uneasy, as if like someone was staring at him. He looked over to the other man who was sitting beside him, noticing Austria staring at him, he raised glanced at the book then at Austria. "Is there... something wrong?" He asked full of concern. Empire lowered down his book and looked at Austria directly at the eye.

"Nothing... Just continue what you're doing.." Austria reassured as he looked away hiding his blush, "Anyways what're you reading? If... you don't mind me asking..." Austria questioned while he looked over at the other with a neutral and normal face now.

"This? Oh, it's my wife's diary... She would always write down special things that happened in a day, she even told me that I could read it whenever I want or when I feel lonely..." Empire smiled softly.Austria suddenly felt uneasy on the stomach, he just groaned quietly and looked back at Empire. "That's sweet of her, how is she now? I rarely see her..."

"She's barely home to be honest, she has a high ranking in the military. She started going away from the house ever since the war has been declared..." Empire pouted, "I miss her, we still send letters tho, but she rarely responds because of how busy it has been..." he added. Austria just stared at Empire and gently smiled, "I wonder how a you guys act around each other..."

Empire smiled at the thought, "Well she would shower me with kisses, not to mention also Reich and Weimar. She was a very beautiful woman, with a humble personality, she would always make me happy" Empire exclaimed before looking at Austria for a response. "I can tell..."


Word count: 1 346

sorry for the sudden absence i just simply procrastinated this hehe <3
2nd quarter is about to start in my school

ill be putting the drawings in the chapter because the cover thing idk what it's called doesnt really show it all the time and i didnt waste my art only for it to not appear !!!! ill be also doing it with the other chapters as this part is pub;lsihed


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