12 - Horrors Of War

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------November 5, 1916THIRD PERSON P

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November 5, 1916


Empire fixed his belongings then wore his uniform, he didn't have anything left to wear as his other clothes reeked of blood and sweat. His uniform was the only clean thing he had despite it being the only thing he mainly wore in the trenches. Empire was relieved that he was finally going back home, the days he spent in the battlefield was something he wished he never experienced.

He wore his backpack and placed his pouch over his shoulders before finally walking out the trench.

It took him about several hours to arrive back to his hometown, Empire sighed deeply and started limping back to his house. His legs felt numb, he severely lacked sleep, and he could no longer see from his left eye, the chemical weapons used in the battle zone was able to enter the trench he was in, Empire was lucky as he didn't come in full contact with it. 

After a few minutes, he finally saw the front door. He immediately smiled and sped walked over there, Finally... I feel so tired... I wonder how Weimar and Reich is... Empire pondered as he shakily took out his keys from one of his pouches. He then entered it at the keyhole and twisted it, but soon heard aggressive stomping coming from the door.

He froze in place and slowly tensed up, Weimar opened the door and immediately shrieked in joy. "PAPA! How are you!? We miss you so much!" He exclaimed before hugging the adult tightly, Weimar looked up to Empire and soon saw the condition of his father. "I-I... Dad..? Are you alright...?" He stammered before releasing Empire from the hug.

Empire blinked for a few moments before shaking his head then chuckling nervously, "Yeah..! I'm just... Well... I'm really tired Weimar..." Empire weakly smiled. His son frowned worriedly, he pulled his father inside the house and laid him down on the couch, "Where is Reich, Weimar...? Is he sleeping in his room again...?" the adult tilted his head.

Weimar shook his head, "I'll call him right now! He's probably in the bathroom or in his bedroom!" he replied before running upstairs to call his sibling over. Empire leaned by the headrest of the couch and looked up at the ceiling, he touched his scarred eye and instantly pulled away upon feeling a burning sensation.


Reich rushed over to Empire and sat down beside him then hugged him as tight as he can, "I'm so glad you're back..! Have you been--- Wh-What... Happened to your eye...?" Reich stuttered at the end as he saw Empire's blind eye. The older male simply smiled and ruffled Reich's hair, "It's alright, it doesn't really hurt unless you touch it..." Empire answered.

"Doesn't it still hurt...? Or at least sad..?! You're blind with your eye and you're treating this so casually...!" Weimar spoke up, Empire sighed heavily and glanced over at the other. "Because I've had this scar for a long time already Weimar... It's been a month and I'm used to only seeing from only one eye now..."

Both of the kids frowned and looked at each other, Empire could only sigh, "I'm alright... I promise... Do you want anything for me to cook or to bring home..?" he questioned the both. Reich shook his head, "The one who has been taking care of us just left a few hours ago and prepared some snacks just in case we go hungry!"

Weimar snapped his fingers, "Here!" he exclaimed before rushing to the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich. Empire eyed the food and raised a brow, "Who made this?" he asked before breaking it half and started to eat one part of it. "Austria's friend! He took care of us while Austria went back home to handle his country!" Weimar replied.

Empire nodded his head and continued on eating, "I did write him a letter that I'd be going back home 2 days ago... Do you think he received it already...?" Empire gulped. Reich yawned and laid down on his father's lap, "Mhm... He's probably reading it already... Austria has also been sending us letters for the past weeks..." Reich murmured.

"Is that so? That's... Nice..." Empire snickered before playing his fingers through Reich's hair, "I'll go now! I still have to finish reading this book, let's... Let's talk later when Reich is awake!" Weimar was pulled closer by Empire and kissed his cheek, "Alright, enjoy your book" Empire dismissed Weimar and let the young country run upstairs.

He looked down to his sandwich and frowned slightly, he didn't have the appetite to eat and placed the halves on the table before glancing at Reich who was now fast asleep. Empire kissed his forehead and slowly set him down on the couch and left them there to sleep peacefully, he removed his bags and carefully set them down on the table and also grabbed the sandwich.

Empire walked to the kitchen and threw the food away, he walked over to the bathroom and washed his face then looked up to the mirror to startle himself from his appearance. "I look like a mess...


Word count: 942

minor chapter lol
he looks so depressed and scarred compared to the other chapters but xd

april 10 2022: im gonna take a break in this book because... so at least i canhave more space or free time to do or update my stories lol, and because its like more than halfway done ewan ko lmao, and the next chapter is probably gonna be really long  so yea 

ogey BYE BYE theanjkk yew... 4 reading xd <3

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