9 - Off To War

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September 14, 1916


"Took a while for my beard to grow... Should I cut it again?"
"I don't know, if you think it fits you then I won't say anything else"

Empire frowned as he stroked his upper beard, "Your hair has also grown, it became... Well, much more curly and sort of poofed up you could say" he chuckled. Austria groaned and started playing with it, "I'm planning on cutting it on my own, but that would risk my hair and dignity" he smiled.

The other simply sighed heavily and looked at the calendar, "The battle in Somme is still ongoing, am I correct?" Empire frowned. Austria nodded his head, "And who knows how many battles will happen in the near future. It's been 2 months since it started!" Austria exclaimed, Empire raised a brow, "How did your children react when the war started?"

Austria chuckled nervously and stroked his arm, "They were scared of course... Scared that I'll die and all but that'll never happen! You're talking about the 2nd largest country in Europe!" he boasted before smirking. "You're saying that so casually when you declared war on Serbia just because you knew I'll be suppor--" "Shh! SHH!! Shut up! That's not the topic we're talking about!"

"By the way, did you leave your children all by themselves or did you hire someone?"
"Huh? Oh, my soldiers are the one looking out for them while I'm here. Where is Weimar and Reich?"
"I thought I told you already, they went to meet up with their friend"

Empire nodded his head, Austria slightly frowned and crossed his arms. "What do you think of that boy?" He asked, "Soviet? I mean... He's alright and all, I can tell that he really hates his father I guess" Empire chuckled, "But he's admirable" he added. Austria nodded his head and placed his hand on his chin before looking out the window.

Autumn already... Hmm... Austria furrowed his eyebrows and started to think of something. His friend simply raised a brow, "What's wrong?" Empire asked, but Austria ignored him and continued to ponder. "There's just something in Autumn... I vaguely remember it but I just can't put my finger on it..."

"...Weimar's birthday?"

Austria snapped his fingers and smiled, "Yea! That! It was in November, right?!" Empire chuckled. "You really have nothing to talk about... Don't you?" He spoke up, Austria groaned before nodding. "Well good luck for you, you can go walk around the city while I'll just read a book" Empire smiled as he bent down and grabbed one, "Hey!"

While Empire was reading a book, Austria started to prepare some snacks for the both of them. They both flinched at the sound of the door knocking, "Were you expecting some visitors?" Austria asked, "You know I barely have friends Austria..." Empire frowned. The other chuckled and scratched the back of his head, "Sorry, sorry... I'll go get it.."

Austria washed his hands and quickly dried it off using his pants, he went over to the front door and opened it. Empire raised a brow as he got a glance of a letter being handed to Austria, What's that... Wonder who its from... he pondered whilst he tried to lean forward getting a closer look at it.

"It's from you! From the headquarters!" Austria exclaimed. Empire froze for a second before quickly getting up and grabbing the envelope from Austria.

"It's rare for them to send me a letter, I'll be in my office for a moment.."

Empire started to walk away going to his office while Austria stayed right in front of the front door. He sighed deeply before going back to the kitchen to continue preparing the snacks for the both of them.

Austria walked upstairs whilst carrying a tray with sandwiches and hot chocolate, "Empire?! Are you in here?" he exclaimed as he knocked on the office door. He heard a slight yell telling him to come in, so he did. He walked in to see Empire sitting on his chair and reading the letter that was placed on the table.

"You're still reading that? It's been 5 minutes Empire..." Austria joked as he placed the tray by Empire's desk. "What even is it all about? You look so panicked and stressed out" He added, the other sighed deeply and grabbed the envelope and placed the letter back in it. Austria frowned and leaned closer to his friend, "Tell me! We don't have that enough time! Those drinks will become cold soon!"

Empire looked at Austria directly at his eyes, "They're sending me to Somme, well, to battle there you know... Yeah, that's what the letter is about..." he replied. Austria eyes widened and raised a brow, "YOU!? As a representative!? That's... That's so risky! Are they putting their nation at risk of collapsing!?"

"No! Are they fucking dumb or something!? If you die, well, the nation dies! I'm not even allowed to step into a battlefield without a whole ass army bodyguarding me! You going to that battle will kill you, and it's still probably the 1st one, are you forgetting about both of your kids!?"

Austria snatched the letter and raised it up, Empire frowned, "It's my duty as a representative to serve my country Austria! You have to understand that, you have it easy in yours while not for mine!" Empire yelled. "You being a representative is you already serving your whole to the country! What do you mean duty!? Serve in the military and risk your life?!"

"THIS. This letter is sending you to your death! To this country's death and you're acting so fine with that!"
Empire scoffed, "Because I have barely done anything! The only thing I have partaken in this war is be a representative and either agree or give tips to the military officers!"
"That's enough! That's normally what a representative is supposed to do! Don't act so confident to me, I'm far more experienced than you..."

The other growled and grabbed Austria's wrist, "This isn't about experience about being a representative but about serving one's country..." Empire spat out. Empire grabbed the letter from Austria's hand and sat back down on his seat, "Come on Empire... You being a representative is already a large part of serving one's country!"

"Wh... What do you mean how?! You're literally like the mascot for this country, the foundation of it!"

Empire sighed heavily and leaned on the chair's backrest, "It doesn't matter... Whether if I regret it or not, what I care about is helping my people win this war that you started..." Empire stated before putting the envelope in the drawer. "...When are you gonna leave then? If you leave now you wouldn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Weimar and Reich..."

"I'll probably leave by tomorrow where they are present.." Empire replied, Austria groaned and sat down on the extra chair in front of Empire's desk. "If I can't stop you nor change your mind, I only wish you the best... Make sure to go back home in one piece.." Austria chuckled softly in the end.


Word count: 1 285

school sucks wtf  and laziness always gets the best of me whoops loli was suppose to paste a cope and paste meme here but you would me questioning my mental stability if i sent this particular one so i just thought otherwise lolYESA !!! THANKS FOR...

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school sucks wtf and laziness always gets the best of me whoops lol
i was suppose to paste a cope and paste meme here but you would me questioning my mental stability if i sent this particular one so i just thought otherwise lol


school sucks wtf  and laziness always gets the best of me whoops loli was suppose to paste a cope and paste meme here but you would me questioning my mental stability if i sent this particular one so i just thought otherwise lolYESA !!! THANKS FOR...

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[DISCONTINUED]  Forgive Thy Lies // CountryhumansМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя