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- Approach, child. I will be privileged to help. – he beckoned her to come closer, and she did, kneeling at his feet, bowing again, her forehead hitting the ground. He raised an eyebrow, surprised. Such deep bow meant a serious plea was to be expected.

- Speak freely, Bai Li. You seem troubled. What is the matter with your Masters, mmm? – he said calmly, lifting her up so that they could talk.

She told him, as best as she could, all the events from the last month. Lan Xichen was listening carefully, nodding but never interrupting her. He could sense she was genuinely concerned about both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji.

- And now, they are just... polite to each other, but things are different... from what they used to be before. And I think that it's tormenting both my Masters. – she finished sadly. 

– And, Zewu-Jun, I have never seen two people who love each other so much! What can I do? What should I do to help? – she cried.

- Your Masters are lucky to have such a devoted caretaker, Bai Li. You should be proud.  –  Lan Xichen said, bowing lightly at her.

Bai Li blushed at the generous compliment, and acknowledgement, but said nothing, just lowered her eyes and waited. The Lan Master was pondering on all the events in his mind, and knowing his brother too well, knew precisely how he felt. 

He said slowly, bemused:

- They have not forgiven each other. They only lie to themselves and to others that it's done. But words and deeds are two different things. I will talk to my brother.  –  he got up and turned towards the path. 

– Thank you. – he said simply to Bai Li, who bowed again. – Talk some sense into Master Wei, he will be more easily persuaded. He listens to you, and appreciates you. Trust me.

Bai Li blushed deeper, and bowed deeper, touched by his words.

- I am so grateful for your wisdom, Zewu-Jun. Thank you. I will do my best.

[[忘羡 | WangXian 2]]  : The Green-eyed МonsterWhere stories live. Discover now