Three rules. 🔞

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Wei Wuxian leaned in and started kissing him deeply. Lan Zhan sighed  –  it'd been such a long time since they last kissed so passionately. He felt that Wei Ying's hands were opening the front of his clothes, but he didn't mind. Never breaking the kiss, Wei Ying pushed him to his knees and kneeled in front of him too, tying his wrists together with one of the ribbons he was holding in his hand. Lan Zhan wanted to ask, to stop and ask about it, but Wei Ying didn't let go of his lips, biting and sucking on his tongue. 

Lan Zhan was panting, just this kiss was enough to get him hard. He was lost in the pleasure, when suddenly Wei Ying stopped and jumped on the bed.

- What...why?   –  this was all Lan Zhan managed to say, still dazed, turned on and hard, now missing him. He suddenly fully realized that his hands were tied together and Wei Ying was tugging on the other end of the ribbon, grinning.

- Oh, this was nothing, Lan Zhan. Tonight, I am torturing  you. You know how it usually is the other way around!  –  he spoke coarsely, looking down on him.

Eyes wide open now, his body tensed and Lan Zhan observed how his husband tied the far end of the ribbon to the hoops on the ceiling. He was confused, but then he remembered what he had promised  –  to trust him. He also thought about what Lan Xichen told him about control. He knew what this was. Wei Ying was going to help him... give up control. 

This was a lesson in trust. 

He said timidly, lowering his eyes:

- I am here to atone. I belong to you. Do as you please.

Wei Ying took off all his clothes, and stood in front of him, stark naked, smirking.

- I have three rules for tonight. I want you to watch me at all times. No touching. No talking. – he lifted Lan Zhan's chin up and now they were staring into each other's eyes. 

Wei Ying saw fire there; Lan Zhan saw tenderness in those violet eyes and bit his lip  –  this was going to be hard. 

– Is it clear, Lan Zhan? – Wei Ying smiled.

- Yes, Shizun.  –  Lan Zhan blushed.

Wei Ying raised an eyebrow, pleasantly surprised at the acknowledgement, and smiled a little. He remembered their "Shizun" game before they'd gotten married.

The roles were switching.

- Good, good.

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