Thirteen: Toxic Beauty

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“Xiaojun, I need you to be nice to the person you are supposed to be doing a photo shoot with today

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“Xiaojun, I need you to be nice to the person you are supposed to be doing a photo shoot with today.” I hear my agent tell me.

“Renjun, you know that I Don't like taking photos with Strangers,” I yelled while looking at my appearance in the mirror in this office.

“From my understanding, you don't like taking photos with anyone. So, it doesn't matter if the person is a Strange or not.” He replied.

“You could have at least arranged for the two of us to meet before the photoshoot day so that we could have gotten to know each other a little, Ren-jun.”

“Xiaojun, I doubt that the two of you meeting would have changed your attitude about being photographed with them anyway. All you would've done is complained about how you two don't fit well together.”

“I guess we'll never know how I would've acted since you took it upon yourself to keep me in the dark on whom I'm supposed to be doing the photoshoot with.” I snarkily reply. “For all we know, I could be working with someone who's hard to get along with.” I added.

“You would be the right person to know how to deal with those kinds of people, since you're a master in that department.” He mumbled underneath his breath, then said, “Stop complaining and let's head on over to the modeling agency before we're late for the photoshoot.”

Today I was doing a photoshoot with the most fashionable clothing industry in Paris, France called R.A.R.E Designs. They chose me and another model to showcase their stunning autumn clothing line in Chic Magazine.

Reijun and I rode the elevator down to the first floor in silence. I was fuming because he thought that I was a hard ass person to get along with, when he knew that wasn't the case. I just didn't like working with anyone who didn't act professional. My four bodyguards greeted us politely after we got off the elevator, then followed behind us to the car.

I sat in the back seat of the company car, still angry and wondering what kind of person I would be forced to work with today. “Please tell me that I won't be working with a female today!” I asked when we stopped at a red light. I had no problems with women. I just didn't know how to talk to them or how I was to behave around them since my dealing with my ex, Addison.

I stopped trying to have a polite and friendly conversation with them after several attempts that came off feeling weird. “You'll just have to wait and see who the person is,” Ren-jun blurts out with a shitty ass grin on his face.

From the looks of his grin and how secretive he was, I quickly deduced that it had to be a female that I was doing the photoshoot with. In times like this, I felt like strangling him to death. Today, I would have done just that if I thought that he wasn't a hard-working friend. A friend who kept my hectic life organized enough for me to be able to make it through each passing day without any major conflicts bogging me down.

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