Nine: The Accident

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Lee Mi-sook POV… 7:30 p

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Lee Mi-sook POV… 7:30 p.m

"All right ladies and gentlemen, that's it for tonight's training section," I called out before sitting on the brown, cushioned bench and sipping on my lukewarm blue Gatorade.

On the top floor of our father's dojo called Yotsam Center, my oldest brother Sang took up the mantle of teaching martial arts. Jin, the second oldest, taught taekwondo on the second floor. On the first floor, I taught women self-defense classes during the daytime and after school hours I offered free tutoring classes to kids that were less fortunate in our neighborhood.

"Do you need me to stay behind and lock up the place, Miss Lee?" My nephew Amida asked me while helping to straighten up the place a little.

"I think I can handle things from here, Amida. You and your friends can go home to your parents." I told my nephew.

"Yes ma'am." He and his friends say while grabbing their backpacks off the floor by the front door.

"When I get home I'm going to soak in a nice warm bath then cuddle up in my comfy queen-size bed and watch a few episodes of Oh My Venus," I murmured to myself as I locked the front door.

Having to tussle with my older brothers daily to prove that I was tougher than them made me not afraid of being out alone at night. In fact, I loved jogging home in the evening. I liked watching the people interact with each other. Some were strangers to each other, but you couldn't tell that by looking at them. They acted like they'd known each other for years.

The liveliness of the city at night always had an exhilarating effect on me. The smell of fresh-baked goods as I passed by Mrs. Weaver's donut shop constantly made me want to stop by and have a Caramel Macchiato Cappuccino

 Weaver's donut shop constantly made me want to stop by and have a Caramel Macchiato Cappuccino

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and my favorite Boston Cream Puff Donut.

I jogged past the shop after resisting the urge to give in to my cravings to have the delicious sweet treats

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I jogged past the shop after resisting the urge to give in to my cravings to have the delicious sweet treats. Tonight the streets were quieter than usual, and the people seemed a bit less friendly, or should I say less observant.

Shrugging my shoulders, I continue on my journey home with my headphones plugged in my ears. A few blocks past the donut shop, I noticed a figure jogging behind me at a slightly slower pace. I became concerned when I noticed that the tall figure took every path that I did.

I ducked behind a large blue dumpster, then removed the new can of pepper spray I had bought this morning and waited for the creep to get closer. As soon as he got a few inches ahead of me, I jumped away from behind the dumpster and sprayed mace into his face.

I quickly kicked him in the stomach as hard as I could while he was rubbing his eyes and screaming in agony. He doubled over in pain, screaming, "Crazy lady, what are you doing?"

"Why are you following me?" I asked instead of answering his question.

"Look, you nut-case, I wasn't following you, I'm heading home." He angrily yelled at me.

"Do I look like I'm stupid enough to believe that a guy wearing a black hoodie and gloves on his hands just so happens to be taking the same route as me to get home?" I sneered.

"Lady, I don't care what you believe right now." He growls at me.

I took my left foot and shoved him back onto the ground when he tried to stand up. "Why are you following me?" I demanded while placing my feet in the center of his chest. "Answer me," I yelled when I got no reply from the man. "You can quit faking, I didn't even shove you that hard." I blurted out.

Seconds later, I leaned towards the man and removed his hoodie from over his head when I didn't get a reply. The cell phone in his hand began to ring and the name on the screen said Wonho. "Now where have I heard that name before and why does this man look familiar to me?" I questioned myself as I accidentally pressed the speakerphone button on his cell phone.

"Shownu where are you? The rest of the guys and I have been waiting at your house for an hour now waiting for you to get here." A manly voice says into the phone.

I knelt beside the unconscious to check for a pulse. I let out a big sigh at the same time the guy on the other end of the phone asks, "Shownu did you forget that we were supposed to be practicing for tomorrow's concert?"

"Hello." I finally spoke into the phone.

"Who in the heck are you and why are you answering my friend's phone?" The man on the other end of the phone rudely asked.

"Who I am doesn't matter at the moment. What matters is that your friend is unavailable right now," I replied while looking at the unconscious man on the ground in front of me.

"What did you do to him?" He barked at me.

"All I did was defend myself, in the process I accidentally knocked him unconscious," I answered in a defensive voice.

"Where are you located now?"

"We're in the alley on Klein Avenue…" I was saying when the phone disconnected.

"Ugh, my head hurts." The man grunted out as he awakens.

"Think that you should go to the hospital to get checked out," I suggested with genuine concern for his health.

"Do you make it a habit of going around beating up innocent people?" He asked me.

"I do if that crazy person is following me and planning to attack me." I retorted.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I wasn't following you around? I was only taking a shorter route home because I was supposed to be meeting up with my friends." He sneers while struggling to get to his feet.

"How many people do you know run around town in eighty-degree weather wearing a hoodie and gloves?" I questioned him as I helped him to his feet.

"Just because I like wearing a hoodie and gloves, it doesn't make me a criminal!" He snapped at me.

"I wouldn't know that now, would I? All I did was protect myself from a would-be attacker, and I would do the same thing all over again if the situation presented itself before me." I fling back at him.

"Shownu are you alright?" The voice over the phone asked in a worried tone from behind me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I was just attacked by a crazy person that thought I was trying to kidnap her," he tells the group while glaring at me.

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital to have you checked out." Another guy in the group says.

"I can't believe a big, muscular guy like you let a beautiful woman knock you out." I hear a third guy say to this shownu fella. He then looked over at me and winked his right eye.

"All I can tell you is that she isn't an ordinary woman, Jooheon." He replied, then blurted out to the group, "take me home." I watched as they helped him into a cream-colored van before heading home.

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