Twelve: Save Me

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Faith POV...

Hello everyone and welcome to Lite Wave Broadcasting. Joining us tonight is my long-time friend and singing sensation from Echo-genix Studios, Ms. Faith Nketsi." I hear Karen exaggerate my announcement to the audience.

They clapped their hands and let out a loud, boisterous cheer as I walked onto the huge sitting area in front of them. "Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome," I say to the crowd while at the same time bowing my head.

"Wow, Mrs. Karen Jenkins, that was a marvelous introduction you bestowed upon me," I said out loud as we hugged each other. "I wish that my PR team knew how to hype up my career like that," I added.

"I could teach them a few things about advertisements you want me to," Karen replies.

"I was just kidding, my friend. I couldn't ask for a better crew than I already have." I state before turning to look out into the audience. The crowd mostly consisted of women that looked to be about my age. There were a few guys who were among the large crowd of women that looked like they'd rather be somewhere else. I guess their wife has dragged them to a two-hour-long interview as a punishment for something they may have done.

"It looks like life has been treating you well, Faith," Karen states in a cheerful voice.

"It sure has been keeping me busy with promoting my new album, Karen."

"The buzz going around town is that "Missing You" may be your best album since you debuted a few years ago," Karen says.

"I sure hope so, after all the long hours and hard work that my team and I have put into it," I responded. 

"What's your favorite song on the Missing You album?" Karen asked me.

"I love them all, but the one that's the dearest to my heart is Save Me." 

"What's so special about this song, Faith?"

"I wrote Save Me to someone special to me, an old friend," I replied while looking directly into the camera.

"Is this old friend an ex-boyfriend?" Karen inquired.

"We were just friends, but I wanted to be more than that to him," I tell her.

"Is this old friend single at the moment?" Karen then asked me.

"I'm not certain," I answered.

"Faith, aren't you the least bit worried that he might see this interview?" 

"No, I'm not worried. I am hoping that he does see it." I blurt out.

"Why do you want him to see this interview?" Karen questioned me.

"Because I never got the chance to tell him that he was my whole world before we parted ways.

"Are you hoping to make a love connection today, Faith?" Karen excitedly asked me.

"No, I'm not trying to do that, I just want to let him know that I made a huge mistake when I walked away from him without laying all my cards out on the table," I responded.

"Oh, I see, this is your way of trying to reconnect with your friend," Karen says with understanding in her voice.

"Karen, If he does see this interview, I hope that he sees my earnest confession as my way of trying to make amends with him."

"Do you mind telling us who this mystery man is, Faith?" 

"I won't put his name out there like that, so the tabloid can disrupt his life. If by chance he is watching this broadcast, he'll know that I'm talking about him," I replied.

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