Fifteen: The Collector

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"Please, Seyoung, come to tonight's charity event with me

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"Please, Seyoung, come to tonight's charity event with me." my close friend Jason Pratt begged me as we both sat in my living room sipping on a glass of wine.

"Jason, you know damn well that I don't like attending those boring ass events," I replied. Standing from my seat, I walked over to the large room filled with many collectible items that I picked up as I traveled all around the world.

In this room were expensive paintings from well-known painters, also there are antique coins, cars, marvel comic books, baseball cards, action figures, Old vinyl records, and jewelry.

"I'm only asking you to come along because I know that you love collecting things. Tonight, I'm certain that you'll find a valuable item to add to your large stash of collectibles." Jason replied with a grin on his face after walking into the room behind me.

"Jason, I said I don't want to go!" I reiterate.

"You'll never see these kinds of collectibles anywhere else, Seyoung. I'm certain that they're worth more than everything that you have in this room."

"If that's the case, then how am I going to be able to pay for this expensive collectible, huh, Jason?"

"With that hefty load of money that your parents left you in their will, or with the ton of cash you make from your art gallery." He replied.

"Just what kind of collectibles are we talking about here, Jason?"

"You'll just have to come with me to find out." He said, then walked out of the room.

The chance to buy that was hard to come across made cave into Jason's conning act. "Alright, Jason, I'll come with you. You better not be dragging me to some boring event just so you won't have to deal with your nosey ass wife, Mila, all night long." I told him.

"Trust me, She won't be there tonight." He says before letting out a weird-ass laugh. This was a laugh that made me feel like we weren't about to attend the usual boring charity event where people just wanted to flaunt their money.

Time Skip...

I sat in the passenger seat of Jason 2021 black mustang dressed in a white tuxedo with a black necktie tied around my neck. "Jason, you're not taking me to something illegal, are you?" I asked as we sat at a red light waiting for it to turn green.

"Would I do something like that to you, Seyoung?" He asked instead of answering my question.

"Jason..." I called out in a stern voice.

"I would never do something like that to my best friend." He finally answered with a crooked and evil grin on his face.

I saw dozens of expensive cars parked in the driveway of a gigantic mansion that made my eight-bedroom and six-bathroom house look small as shit. "Welcome to the women's charity event sponsored by Mr. Steven Potterfield." A young butler wearing a navy-blue tuxedo says to Jason and me after opening the front door at the grand estate.

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