~Chapter 3~

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TW: body-shaming, slut-shaming, lots of language

I will put a ✪ when it starts and ends

(Catra's pov)

Wow that absolute bitch, Adora is probably only trying to be my friend as a bet or some shit. I can't actually believe I actually thought she generally wanted to be my friend. oh shit, what am I going to do next period Adora is in my class shit, shit, shit, shit.

I walk into class and there she is.. why does she actually look happy to see me we saw each other like 5 minutes ago and I know she is just faking this now. "Catra! Look I'm sorry about what you heard in the hallway. I don't know why she said that" Adora said it actually sounded real wait is she actually sorry or is she just fooling me.

Goddammit, I can usually tell if they are faking it or not but I can't with Adora I don't know why "hello?" Adora said "oh yeah it's fine. It seems your friends don't like me" I said back to her "yeah well I don't care because both of them are being bitches and I want to be your friend" she said. what the hell is this feeling it feels like I have butterflies in my stomach, I look, and Adora waits she is actually kinda hot no like really hot. what the hell stop catra Jesus christ. class starts

(Time skip brought to you by me having writer's block)

It's lunchtime now like I'm actually going to eat anything I never do. anyways I see Adora sitting with all of her friends. god, why does she want to be friends with me she has all of her other friends. I'm just going to walk around.

to be honest it was peacefully for a while before I see a boy picking a freshman. saying by the size of the men I am assuming they are seniors they have varsity football jackets on of course it is a fucking jock. I walk over to them trying to not make a sound.

"Hey! how about you pick on someone your own size for once you bastard" I yell across the hall, oh fuck I'm going to regret that.

(Adora's pov)

I'm sitting at lunch listening to all of my friends talk back and forth and I see catra leave the lunchroom hmm I wonder where she is going I should follow he wait is that creepy no it not she is my friend I think so I'm going to go see her "hey ill be right back" glimmer just nodded in response. I get up and start walking down the hall.

for a couple of minutes, it is peacefully until I hear from down the hall "Hey! how about you pick on someone your own size for once you bastard" Wait that voice sounds familiar that catra I start running towards the voices

(Catra's POV)

"Oh, do you want me to leave her alone? oh well, that's nice. I mean I can always just pick on you instead but it wouldn't be much different since you are just skin and bones what do your parents not love you enough to feed you" the bully says as the freshman girl runs away

I wanted to cry I wanted to run and cry but that's not who I pretend to be I need to stand up for myself. I need to say something God Dammit say something catra. instead, I just kick him in the crouch that will work.

"well at least I'm not the jock who if I fail a game my dad will disown him," I say in his ear as he is on the floor I try to walk away but something grabs my ankle "oh shit," I say before falling straight on my back knocking the air out of me

"Next time think before you speak you fucking slut" the bully said then kicks me in the side I can't even speak everything is burning and it feels like I can't breathe "Hey! leave her alone" I hear someone say then I see the bully fall after he was punched try and sit up it still feels like I cant breathe.

"hey are you okay," Adora said in the kindest tone I have ever heard in my like "yeah I'm fine can you help me up" "yes of course" she helps me up we just sand there for a moment looking into each other's eyes I break the silence by saying "I have a question why did you follow me" "well because you seem you need someone just to be there for you" she is so sweet to me for no reason at all.

The bully comes back with the Principal what the hell "Them two those are the people who punched me" "what we did not" Adora says what the fuck he slut-shamed me and body-shammed me and he is blaming it on us oh hell no. "Okay that's enough all three of you my office now," principal Angella said angrily

all of us were sitting in the office 4th period has already started "okay so Garrett what happened" the principal said "okay so I was walking around and these two girls came up to me and started bulling me and the blonde punched me in the face and the other one kicked me in the-" before he could finish I said

"That is such bull shit you were bulling a freshman girl and when I try standing up for her you say would you rather have me be picked on which won't make much difference saying you are just skin and bones and then I kick you in the crouch and you grab my ankle and make me fall on my back then saying to me tink before you speak you fucking slut then Adora punched him in the face you can even check the security cameras"

oh my god, what did I just do.. what the hell got into me. I look over to Adora and she is staring at me with a shocked face. I don't know why Adora has a shocked face maybe because I just said the entire fight details or she didn't know garret called me those things. why the fuck did I just say those things with no hesitations.

I feel a hand go on mine and I stop panicking, it was Adora's he was holding my hand I look over to her and she mouths it's going to be fine. the mid panic I didn't realize the principal left to go look at the security cams the bell rang to go to 5th hour we have been in her for over an hour. 6th period is a free period we get to leave early because we are seniors or something. Adora's hand was still on mine it felt nice holding someone's hand.

the principal comes back in okay ladies you are free to go you did nothing wrong other than stand up for yourself. for you garret, we will discuss your punishment. I and Adora leave for history there are 25 minutes before it ends but were not holding hands or talking which is fine.

when we get to history we sit down I spend the rest of class thinking if I like Adora or not she makes me happy and makes me feel calm. she is pretty and kind its like the dream girl wants the weird girl I've never felt attraction to anyone like this before.

the bell rings I have no actual clue what the teacher said at all I didn't pay attention. I am still thinking about the Adora thing walking out of school when I hear "Hey! Catra!" I turn around and it is Adora "Oh hey" "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to mysticore dinner with me, glimmer and bow" "I thought your friends hated me" "come on please I will give you a ride home after too" "fine"

I follow Adora to her car "was going to meet them there okay" she says "okay" we start driving to the dinner with music on. I think it is going to be fun I hope because I really like Adora and I think I can finally trust her she proved that to me today.

(A/N) ah yes, two chapters in a short period of time surprise surprise. I wrote this intend of sleeping which was totally worth it. let me know what you think of it bye!

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