~Chapter 6~

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TW: mentions not eating and razors

(Catra's Pov)

I'm going to Adora's tryouts I think it will be nice to do it. I'm done with my work, I look over to Adora and she is still working, I can't believe I like that dork.

my head is actually killing me it hurts so bad, I put my hand on my head and put my elbow down to lean on it. there are still like 20 minutes of school left.

"Hey, are you okay," Adora asked me I had my eyes closed but I can tell it's her "Hmm, yeah," I said in almost a mumble "you don't seem okay, are you sure," she asked again "mhm my head just hurts," I said in the same voice "do you want to go to the nurse," she said in a worried voice "no" I tried to say but it was a total mumble I just shake my head

Adora went back to work but kept looking up at me to make sure I was okay. the bell rings and I get up to walk and I almost fall over this is just great.

it's 2:30 now I go to the bleachers and sit down to watch Adora tryouts. she was actually really good. I needed to read so I got out my book and started to read the headache went away a while ago, but as soon as I started reading it came back. guess I'm not reading today.

the tryouts were over and Adora saw me on the bleachers and came over to me after getting dressed.

"hey," I said to her "hey, you didn't have to come to this" "I know but I wanted to" "why it's just tryouts," she said. well Adora you don't know but I really like you "oh just because your my friend" I responded "okay... do you want to come over to my house," she asked me "sure"

my head is killing me again but I'm not going to ruin the night by saying anything I'm a bit dizzy and nauseous but I will be fine.

we walk to Adora's car and get in we turn on Mother Mother and drive to her house"

(Adora's Pov)

She came to my tryout I'm so happy that she did. maybe she likes me back there is a small chance, Mother Mother is playing and we are almost at the house. we arrive at my house maras care is there she must be home. "Hey, can you stay here for a minute I need to talk to my sister really quick," I said to catra, she nods yes back?

I walk up to my driveway to the door and open it, when I open the door Mara is sitting on the couch watching friends drinking tea. "hey how was your day?" mara asks while pausing the tv "Good I brought a friend over is that okay?" I ask "That's completely fine! Who is it?" mara askes excitedly. apparently, I don't bring a lot of friends over "catra" I respond "Ooooo Adora's got a girlfriend" "shut up I do not! you better not embarrass me" "No promises"

(Catra's POV)

As I sit in the car waiting for Adora my head starts pounding again, What the hell is happening I start getting dizzy so I close my eyes and rub the temple of my head. I didn't even see Adora come out of the house to come to get me she opens my door and says "Catra? Are you okay" "yeah I'm fine," I say as I'm trying to get out of the car but almost falls over "Okayy," she says to me as she's holding my shoulders so I don't fall over.

we walk up the driveway and go inside after I meet with mara we go upstairs, It's so hard trying to walk up the stairs Adora tries helping me but I don't let her.

I walk into Adora's room and I see a lesbian flag on the wall.. well that answers my question she isn't straight. "make yourself at home. is it okay if I go take a shower real quick" Adora asks me "mhm I'll just be right here" "okay be right back"

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