~Chapter 10~

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TW: Abuse, homophobic slurs (I'm a lesbian, I can write and say them), the intent of suicide, suicidal thoughts

when it gets bad I will put a ✪

(Adora's Pov)

*4 hours later*

I and mara stayed at the soup kitchen all day not saying one thing to each other when we were about to leave we were in the back and I say "so, what are we going to do about that" "what do you mean" "catra's mother, what else would I be talking about" "well we can legally do anything we have no evidence" "so we just can't talk about it" "no because it will sound like we are lying because there is no evidence like I said the first time"

"That is such bullshit," I say "I know but we can't do anything about it now now go get in the car I will meet you there" "Okay"

when I get to the car I check my phone to see if catra has answered me I've texted her like 4 times and I am worried about her after what just happened.



4:41 pm

Adora: are you okay. 9:47 (delivered)

Adora: please answer me. 10:20 (delivered)

Adora: please be okay. 12:30 (delivered)

Adora: catra please answer me. 3:09 (delivered)


I have no way of knowing if she is okay or not, she hasn't even read the messages. what if she is dead or something, no she's not dead I just need to calm down.

(Catra's pov)


when we got home Sharon immediately started drinking, so I went upstairs I can't believe all of that just happened why did it have to be them there. I fell asleep after about ten minutes.

I shot up from my sleep after having a nightmare I look at my phone and it is 3:30 and hear "CATRA WEAVER GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Sharon yelled, oh shit

I go downstairs "yes ma'am," I say "what did I say about being gay," she said slurring her words fuck this I'm dead anyway "I don't give a fuck what you said," I said with full confidence, she was holding an empty bottle of whiskey in her hand.

"What did you just say to me!" we were both yelling at this point "That I could honestly give two fucks about your opinions!" "fine I know what's best for you but your just a disappointment anyways!" "Don't you think I don't know that, you remind me of it every fucking day you stupid bitch"

she comes closer and hits me in the face, "you do not talk to your mother like that!" I turn away to walk away from her and I feel a sharp pain in my back I fall to the ground and look behind me the bottle she had in hand was now broken I could feel the cuts on my back.

"you're a dyke with no like in front of you I wish I never had you your such a disappointment you fucking faggot" she says as she kicks me in the stomach "I didn't ask to be born, you're the one who chose," I said as I laugh

"I chose because I didn't know my child would be a letdown," she said "Like you aren't, you abuse a kid because of how miserable your life is. Your husband left you your kid hates you and you lost your job I mean what are you going to lose next your ability to speak to people"

she was about to speak but before she could "oh and don't say I'm the reason that dad left or I'm the reason your life sucks because the simple answer is that you are the same as me a disappointment" I say while I was standing up

"Your predictable you go to work come home to get drunk at the bar or maybe here and then say terrible things to me because you know there true about you," I say to her as she is standing there getting mad

she drops the rest of the glass bottle, as she walks over to me takes the collar of my shirt, and slams me against the wall. I hit my head hard on the wall my head starts pounding and I taste blood in my mouth "you listen here I am no disappointment I know what I am doing with my life you don't your dad didn't leave because of me he left because of you"

I start laughing and coughing at the same time I can feel more blood coming up my thought "like I said your predictable" she drops me on the floor and kicks me in the face everything goes black

*25 minutes later*

I wake up and everything hurts, I can still taste blood Sharon is gone there was a note on the floor "this shit better be cleaned up by the time I get home - Sharon" I'm done with this all of it I'm committing suicide.

(Adora's Pov)

It is 4:12 and I'm doing homework for school that I didn't do yet, I hear my phone buzz on my bed so I get up and look at it is a message from catra




Catra: Adora, I'm sorry I can't do this anymore. I should have said this earlier but I love you, Adora. thank you for being my friend and talking to me that day. thank you for making me feel that I wasn't alone. but it is too late at this point I cant solve this problem or fix it. I will always love you but for now, this is goodbye. 4:14


No, no, no, no, I need to find her. 

(A/N) okay well I almost cried writing that note it was a bit too close to how I feel now but if any of you are having suicidal thoughts or anything my DMS is always open, let me know what you think of the book bye!

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