~Chapter 9~

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TW: slight abuse
(catra's pov)
it's 8 am and we have to go to the soup kitchen to get food for the week because Sharon spent all of her money on whiskeys and beer which's just great.

"CATRA! get in the car!" she screamed at me so I go downstairs and get into the car. I barely got to sleep last night so I have eye bags under my eyes, great.

I'm wearing Adora's jacket and I hear "where did you get that jacket, it looks stupid on you," Sharon said to me

"oh um my friend gave it to me," I said to her nervously "this friend better be a boy," she said she was highly homophobic

"well it's not," I say I her "well you need to find a guy to date," Sharon said "what why" "because your nothing without one" wow that felt nice too hear

"well, that may be a problem saying that I'm a lesbian for the 14 fucking times" "what the hell did you just say to me" "That. i. am. A. Lesbian."

She slaps me across the face, what the hell why did she do that "what the hell" "you better shut your damn mouth girl" "what about me being gay" she slapped me again "shut your god damn mouth" I stayed quiet after that until we get there

(A/N Its about to get very confusing it's going to keep switching pov's but they all are at the same time)

(Adora's Pov)

It's 8 am it honestly feels good helping people but there is one problem, I can't stop thinking about catra and our kiss yesterday. someone walks in after no one coming in for 20 minutes I look up. "Catra!?" I whisper yell

(Mara's pov)

I hear Adora say catra's name in a whisper yell and I look up and see her and an intimidating looking woman, "what is she doing here" "I have no clue" Adora says, catra comes up without the woman 

(Catras pov)

What the actual hell mara and Adora are working here I can to this my mom's in the bathroom I have to go up there. the half of my face is red and with my eyebrow bleeding from when my mom slapped me. I look at them without saying anything.

(Adora's Pov)

why is her eyebrow bleeding it looks fresh she looks at me and has a very worried look, is she okay. a woman comes out of the bathroom and comes to catra when she puts her hand on Carta's shoulder she flinches.

(Mara's pov)

Catra flinches when the woman puts a hand on her shoulder, something is definitely up. "Hello, my name is Sharon weaver and this is my daughter" that's catra's mother. "so what makes you come into day" I look at catra and she looks so afraid like someone is going to hit her.

(Adora's Pov)

who the hell is this woman, I know she did something to catra because she looks so scared "So what did you come in here for today" I hear mara say I'm going to ask to talk to her 

(Catras pov)

this is going to end very very bad for me, I can tell

(Mara's pov)

"I need food for the rest of the week we ran out of money," Sharon says to mara. this woman reeks of whiskey something is definitely up. "okay how many bowls do you need" I say in a monotone voice "seven" "that's only enough to feed one person there are two of you" "So?" that explains catra's low blood sugar "well ma'am you need food for you and your child" "I said seven so give me seven and don't ask questions" I was about to say no when I hear "catra can I please talk to you"

(Adora's Pov)

If she only gets seven bowls one of them isn't going to eat, it hit me that's why catra doesn't eat for weeks on end I think when mara talks to Sharon. "Catra can I please talk to you, "I ask, making mara and Sharon stop talking "Uh- Um yeah"

(Catra's pov)

why did she do that oh fuck this isn't going to end very well

(Adora's pov)

we walk over to where mara and Sharon can't see us, "look I know this inst the best time because of your mother and everything but will you be my girlfriend, I cant not ask it at another time because I care for you so much I'm worried what your mother is doing" 

(Catra's pov)

she just asked me to be her girlfriend "Yes of course" she said something about my mom doing something to me how does she know. things are already shit but this made it all better

(Mara's pov)

"How the hell do you know my daughter," Sharon says very angrily "well we know her because she is my sister's friend" I wanted to say, After all, you are a shit mother. Adora and catra come back as Sharon says "that disappointment doesn't have friends"

(Adoras pov)

"she isn't a disappointment," I say honestly quite mad "and who are you," she says laughing "I'm your daughter's girlfriend," I say in all seriousness

(Catra's pov)

I'm dead, that's simple I'm so dead.

(Mara's pov)

"Oh is that so," the woman said, "catra is this true," she said very angrily as catra closes her eyes and looks away "Look at me when I talk to you" catra looks at her "I. This. True" "yes," catra says very scarcely "that's enough," I say quite loudly "I'm going to have to ask you to leave you disturbing the other people," I say very angry

(Adora's Pov)

"fine," the woman says walking out with catra griping her shoulder tightly. I really, really hope catra is okay.

(Catra's Pov)

I'm so dead after what Adora just said this is going to be so bad. "Get in the fucking car," Sharon said very angrily. I just got in the car and we drove home in complete silence, I am so scared to get home.

(A/N) okay, I finally got chapter points to do I wrote so slow today because my friend made me call him while we wrote and we just sat there in complete awkward silence, a fun fact about me is if I don't listen to music I cant write a fun fact about me. anyways tell me if you enjoyed the chapter bye!

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