Chapter 1

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Sunday 24th October

"We might do it in under an hour chat, we just have to get these rods, and then we're well on our way to defeating the ender dragon!" I exclaimed, the music discs playing softly in the background.


BurritoNugget12 LETS GOOOO

PineappleOnPizza AYYY

I shuffled my character back and forth as I waited for more blaze to spawn in, my eyes sweeping along the chat. My 200 viewers were excited for me to get a new 'MoonBeam' record as the chat revealed. It was filled with emotes and words of encouragement and my heart filled with joy as I thought about how lovely my viewers were.

I noticed the blaze spawn into the world and got back into fighting mode. As I battled for the blaze rods, a donation rang out in my headphones.

£5 Donation from YouAreMySunshine05 Hey Moon! You're doing so well! Will you ever do a face reveal? Love your streams!

I grinned, even though the chat couldn't see me. I ran a hand through my hair and chuckled.

"Thank you Sunshine for the £5 donation, that's so kind of you. Thank you so much for your support, it is very appreciated! I might do a face reveal at some point but if I do, I'll do something big!"

I had all the blaze rods that I needed now so I ran out of the fortress, looking for piglins to trade with. When I came across a group of them, I pushed them into a hole and dropped the half stack of gold that I had collected. As they began to throw things at me, I got rid of the things I didn't need in a nearby lava pool.

£2 Donation from CookiesAndCremeEggs Next time you should try and beat Dream's record!

I chuckled again. "I don't know chat, that's pretty quick to do a speed run. I'll have to do a lot more practice first, Dream is a way better player than me!"

I looked at my chat again as I waited for the trades to give me what I wanted.




I gasped in shock and covered my mouth.

"Thank you so much for the raid Tubbo! I appreciate it so much! That's crazy, how did you even find me!"

£25 Donation from Tubbo Hi Moon! My friend Tommy was actually the reason I got bigger because he raided me so I'm following in his footsteps and raiding smaller streamers! Keep up the good work!!

I read the donation quickly, my cheeks hurting from smiling.

"Thank you so much Tubbo, you don't know how much this means to me! Thank you! Hello everyone from Tubbo's stream, feel free to stick around if you like what you see but if you don't then feel free to leave and have a great day! Remember to drink some water and get something to eat!"

I had gotten excited while reading the positive messages and wasn't paying attention to the game. When I turned back to my other monitor, I misclicked and accidentally hit a piglin. I groaned in frustration, picking up the ender pearl's that a piglin had dropped in front of me and I sprinted towards the portal.

Trying to dodge the arrows flying at me from a group of skeletons and piglins, I frantically climbed up the netherrack hill. I took a few hits and with two hearts left, began the final sprint back to the purple portal.

Unfortunately, a stray arrow hit me in the back and my inventory spilled over the floor, the red death screen filling my monitor and I let out an annoyed puff.

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