Chapter 13

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"If all three of you die, the video ends!" Dream exclaimed, crouching over the side of the stone.

"Yeah, we know but it'll be worth it. We can go and get more diamonds."

"Fine, protect me then," Dream huffed, jumping into the ravine that the three of us had already jumped into.

It was silent for a minute as we watched out for mobs while Dream looked for diamonds.

The tune started going through my head, I debated the consequences of singing for just a few seconds before rolling my eyes. I spotted a zombie emerging from a rather dark hole and walked towards it.

"Even when the sky comes falling," I sang quietly, hitting the zombie.

After a few seconds Sapnap continued. "Even when the sun don't shine."

"I got faith in you and I," We sang together, George joining in on the last line "So put your pretty little hand in mine."

"You guys are idiots." Dream said, towering up to a ledge of the ravine.

"How many diamonds did you get?" I asked, swimming up the water that Dream placed.

"Some. We need to go to the surface to find a couple ender pearls."

Sapnap made it to the ledge and looked down, to where George was still on his way up. When George got to the edge, Sapnap nudged him and he fell back down to the bottom, taking some fall damage.

"SAPNAP!" He shouted, swimming back up.

Sapnap carried on following Dream. "Oops, sorry George."

When we stopped at the top, George nudged Sapnap towards the ravine slightly. Sapnap hit George, jumping for a crit, not realising how close to the edge he actually was. He moved back from jumping to get away from George but fell back down the ravine, disappearing in a cloud of white particles.

"Oh my god, fuck you George."


"You sounded like you were really good at singing Moony!" Sapnap said as we got ready to film my video. We were logging on to Hypixel and setting up proximity chat.

"I enjoy it. Hey! We should do karaoke at some point!" I exclaimed, sending friend requests and party invites to the dream team.

"Were you planning on streaming tonight?"

"I wasn't planning on it but I don't see why not." I said, putting us into a game.

"I haven't streamed in a while. Let's do it!" Sapnap sounded excited but I was nervous about what his viewer's reactions would be to me.

Not everyone had taken our couple of days old friendships very well. There had been some haters, there always will be. In a spare minute during toilet breaks, Dream had reassured me that he didn't care what they thought. He was glad that he made friends with people that streamed, including me.

I was determined to be unbothered, to look at the messages and not pay any attention to them. I had made friends while doing something I love.


Sapnap and George stood in the middle of the island, shifting on each other. Dream was busy collecting diamonds and Fae watched from the resource generator, laughing about how annoyed Dream sounded.

She heard a knock on her bedroom door, so she pushed one side of my headphones off and turned to face the door.

"Come in!"

Maria shuffled through the door, wrapped up warm in her coat, hat and scarf.

"I'm leaving honey. I want to go visit your father and Chris before I go to Ruth's house."

The three streamers could hear everything that was going on. They froze in the game, listening attentively, even though they knew it was probably a very private conversation. They couldn't help but be intrigued.

"I'm going to miss you so much mummy. What am I going to do? What do I tell Noah?" Fae sobbed. Her words were muffled as she hugged her mother tight.

"You're going to be so good to him. I'm glad he has you. I love you, my baby."

The streamers were very confused. This didn't sound like a casual 'goodbye' to a visiting mother. This sounded more like a 'goodbye forever'.

A few minutes passed before Fae came back to the call, tears still streaming down her face. Her mother had just left, giving kisses and promising to always be with them.

"Hello, I'm back. I'm sorry about that. My mum's leaving and I won't see her again."

"Why not?" George asked, curious.

"She has terminal cancer." Fae choked, sobs wracking her body once more.

"Oh god Fae! If you want some time to yourself we can definitely postpone filming and we can do our stream later?" Sapnap asked, concerned. He had no idea what to do in this situation.

Dream plugged in the webcam that had been sitting on his desk for weeks now, waiting for George to get to America. Obviously he had already face revealed to George when he visited the UK 3 years back so he wasn't worried about him.

He turned to his discord and turned his camera on. "Look at Discord Fae."

She opened Discord and held her breath when she saw his face, staring kindly into his camera.

"I know we only face revealed to each other yesterday and you don't have to turn yours on but I want you to trust me when I say that it will be okay. You have support from Finn and your little brother. You have us now and we can help you. Losing family isn't easy, especially parents. But it is important that you stay positive." He sighed. "You can get through this. We will be your net to fall back on. Anything you need, we can help. Well, you might have to wait a day or two for planes and stuff." He chuckled

"Thank you Dream, I appreciate that so much." Fae smiled as she turned her own webcam on, cheeks wet and eyes blotchy but feeling a little lighter.


"Fae we need to go shopping again, I ate all of the haribos." Finn said as I walked back into the lounge.

"Yeah we can go in a minute, I need some ice cream and some cookies." I said, shrugging on my jacket and gathering Noah's coat and shoes.

We were soon in the car, making our way to Asda with our short shopping list. I drove this time, parking Finn's car close to the front door so that we didn't have that far to go to the front door.

Finn got Noah out of his car seat as I went to get a trolley, waiting by the doors. "Come sit in the trolley Noah, then we can go and get our food."

He tumbled over to me, tripping on a mat on the floor. He hugged me close as I lifted him into the seat.

I felt a shove on my back and I rammed into the front of my trolley. Flinging around, I was ready to shout at whoever bumped into me.

"Get here you useless asshole!" I heard and the man that bumped into me clenched his fist, his familiar brunette hair tousled.

"Wilbur?" He looked taken aback for a second and looked behind him for the people shouting abuse.

"Hi! Sorry, I'm in a bit of a rush right now, just popped out for some milk. Do you want a picture?"

"Sure," I chuckled. "My name's Moony."

"Moony? Really?" He looked sceptical.

"Yes, it's me, Wilbur." I giggled, turning my head to check on Finn and Noah who were standing slightly behind me.

"It's nice to actually meet you then, I am very much in a rush though so text me and we can figure out to meet somewhere!"

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