chap 1

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-Well, good night? I don't even know...

"What are you writing, child?" This noisy old man has been curious of what I'm making. He has been pestering me for the 3rd time today. Is he going to keep this up till I tell him? Can't be helped, he's even more annoying than my previous mother.

"...why not ask the Void?"

"It's improper"...hah, good excuse damn gramps.

"Ugh, it's about some cliche princess and prince play. You know, like those disney Princesses that gets married at a young age."

"Don't fool me, child. I know you have a wild imagination. And you want to be a novelist...wasn't it?"

How did he- ahh, to tired to think. I don't care!

"It's an eastern history novel! Are you happy now?"

"Hmm, not quite, but I thank you for telling me. I'm a lonely old man you see" I don't care with the *sweet potatoes!

*korean slang word for something frustrating, his story, is indeed a sweet potato itself

"Ah, you youngsters this days, have I not tell you before? Respect your elders" guuh...I think I might lose my sanity because of his non-stop bickering.


"Child, I have an announcement to make"
The usual curious toned man I usually get annoyed at, seems a little disappointed. Did I do something?

"...yes, gramps?" I answered a little hesitant.

"Well, it looks like this is our last meeting here"

... Last meeting?

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"It seems like the void has summoned you"

Wait, you don't mean...

"It's time for your reincarnation"

I knew this already, this gramps tells me a few information about this place. A few people have been here before me. This place is like a 'waiting room' and there are not just 1, but over 100 or more.

The void is still the void. It's an individual and also the 'watcher' that looks over each room. And the gramps is the 'guardian' that makes sure we don't get lonely. But why do they chose such a noisy old man as my guardian anyway? The void is being unfair.

"Child, I'll be looking over you, if you need anything..."

I feel something in my palm. I glance over, it's a bell.

"When you reincarnate, make sure to hide this in your pocket so it doesn't disappear. Ring it of you need my help"

I nod my head.

"Good, now off you go"

I didn't comprehend what he said, but my head fells tipsy, and then the old man was out of sight.

I woke up, my vision still hazy. I look around my surroundings, I was standing in the middle of a red, silky carpet, while all my surroundings are black. Then a butterfly brush passed me, so I follow it. The butterfly was glowing bright red, like a red spider lily. Now I just kind of regret my decision. Following the trail of the carpet, I ran to the light before me. I reach my hand to the light like someone desperately in need.

A few more steps
2 steps... Then 5....then 8....then 10
As the light covers my hand, it also tangled my body with it. There was nothing but lights, my head filled with memories of an unfamiliar, yet nostalgic person. Red curly hair tied in an elegant bun, dark almond eyes to compliment her looks, then a green silky dress like an emerald. She walks in full confidence and elegance. But, her arrogant aura's the one that looks more appealing.

Ever Seen a Short Haired Villainess? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें