chap 5

91 3 0

-that's just how the story goes

Have you ever just sit back and wonder about how painful death is? For someone like me, who has died (of course) In my opinion, every death in this world is a painful thing. No death in this world is painless (unless you're numb to the pain) even suffocating hurts big time. No like really, I sometimes want to commit suicide, but I hate that I had to endure the pain. Even a scratch of paper hurts my arm.

"Young miss, the marquise wants to see you" the lady-in-waiting called outside the door. Does she not know how to knock? Well, I can't blame her since she doesn't need to because it's her father. This girl's craving for love that it makes her insane. Tch and I thought nobles are a little better... Well, not that it's mostly true.

"I'll get prepared" I went out of bed and took a thin fabric made of hemp to cover myself. Isn't that what they suppose to do in those manhwas? I don't have a silk one but who'll judge? 

Opening the big door that looks like it reached 2 meters, I saw the marquis writing whatever he's writing because I don't care about his business. I, as an a polite girl (I'm not) sat on a sofa facing his. He suddenly stopped writing and stare at me for quite a long time, I don't wanna lose to him so I stare at his eyes with no emotions. (Why is this turning into a staring contest?)

Yeah, so we're just sitting as we do a quick staring contest. My eyes are watery so I blinked first. I'm glad he's not SCP-173 or anything or I'm dead.

He made a quiet cough audible for me to hear.

"I heard you-"

"I heard you..."

You see what I did there? Most villainess MC don't copy their (step)father's tone as a joke. Hey, I'm just born different, I don't get to joke with someone in my life. Friends, not even those.

"....what's wrong with you?"

"Im fine"

Yeah, he furrowed his eyebrows and complete it with a frown. Although I have to admit he's good looking that it makes him a Dil-

...lets not talk about that.

Ehem, as I was saying, he's still a 47 year old man and I have no interest in men older than 30. But since I lost my emotions, I may be asexual now. But maybe I can fall in love. Ey, believe in love they say. Do you believe in love?

"You've become a rude woman after he annulled your engagement" wow, if Kayla-ssi hears this, she'll rage like a cat and cause a ruckus.

"Apologies, but isn't a father suppose to say comforting words when his daughter is having a hard time?" I said, taking the cup of tea on the table. The tasteless tea, I hate this. I prefer luo han kuo than this crap. I wonder of they exist? (Luo han kuo is a medicine tea, usually drank to cure fever or cough.)

Speaking of the marquise, he's there folding his big arms, honestly, can he just stop staring? It's uncomfortable. I wasted half a minute just talking about engagements and a staring contest man.

"I suppose I have no purpose to do so, I can see that you're deeply in grief that it makes you faint."
Oh em gee, this sweet potato bastard. As Kayla-ssi, I'm considered disrespectful, but as
⬛⬛⬛ I can even call him the same as my father, no, they're not a father.

"Then, I have no choice but to accept my father's EDD (Empathy Deficit Disorder) that I cannot tolerate." I like this emotionless conversation, it's like talking to a last boss enemy. I give up with a hope of having an emotional doting father.

"But at least give your daughter a support"

He looked at me, annoyed.

You know, Kayla may not be the best person. She's not kind the heroine (everyone wants to be a heroine when they were little), she's hated by everyone, she killed someone... And yea stuff like that.

But she's a strong woman whose loyalty is high. She may have low self esteem that risk her to put her own life on the line for a loved one, and that is her good point. Even if people thinks she's a cruel person, she's actually quite a sweetheart.

"I wish I have the motivation"

"Can you throw me away? I wanna change my last name" Let's think of a new last name. Degurechaff? Or maybe Da Vinci? Krueger isn't bad too. Hm hm...


Someone slammed a table.

"You shan't say something like that in front of your family! You're just a lowly daughter!" He shouted, now what do we have here?

"Daughter? My that's such a cute word, your excellency. I didn't expect you to say such words towards this 'lowly daughter' of yours" I harshly stated. I guess I decided...

I won't forgive him.

His eyes looked at me in disbelief. How could his usual doting daughter become someone who talks back at her father? He might believe that it was because of that bastard prince (it's more believable that way), but I simply just loathe this family.

Love? Don't dream about it, even Kayla knows this best and still have hope. I can't do anything to change the life she's given, but I can't keep quiet about it.

"Well since that's decided, I shall take my leaves"
Like any nobility shit do, I gracefully stood up from my seat and lower my body.

"Good day, marquis-nim"
I walk towards the door and slammed it shut. Making a loud Bam! Sound

I'm tired of that guy. I thought he would be better
No, it's nothing compared to her mother. Everyday and everytime Kayla-ssi tries to be a perfect daughter by doing this and that to gain her favor, she's just a stepping stone to fill her greed. It doesn't matter if they're the ones who gave birth to her, their ego is higher than their humanity. I swear one day, I'll exterminate those characteristic type of people

My steps stopped after hearing that words.
'Noona'....a word unfamiliar for me, yet very much familiar to Kayla-ssi. I longed to have a younger sibling back in my old life.

Mother did get pregnant one day, and we were so...excited....
Why.... Why did it had to...

'It doesn't matter'
...right, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm only going to push myself into the corner of despair. Alone or not, I'm fighting in this world for my sake.

I slowly turn around towards the source of the voice and slowly responded
"Yes, dear brothers?"

"You don't look good, did father yell at you again?"

"I hope you didn't let down your spirit"

I look at them with wide eyes, look at those gazes of worries from two brats. Kayla-ssi sure is lucky to have such understanding brothers. This is what I've always wanted to feel.
Having a younger sibling to protect

"Noona is okay, noona just needs a little rest. I hope you don't mind me much"

"Ah, uhm..."
"Take care"
They both say.

Yeah, at least some people understand Kayla-ssi.

"Thank you, I bid you adieu"
I smiled and walk away.

Looks like I have a small inspiration for my novel.

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