Chapter 2 (Bitter Man)

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The next morning I woke up, done my usual routine and threw on some jeans and completing it with a pair of sandals, I was only going to do grocery shopping and then I needed to plan for the next wedding on my agenda

I drove to the supermarket and got all the stuff I needed, placing it into my boot I decided to get a bagel and coffee at the nearest coffee shop seeing as I haven't had anything to eat nor drink. Once I opened the door the smell of fresh coffee and cookies hit my nose as I took in a breath of the heavenly aroma. Luckily it wasn't as busy as always so I stood at the counter

"Good Morning Dev you want your usual?" Jenny asked and I smiled at her
"Morning Jenny yes thanks and can you please add a cheese bagel with that?" I asked her as she smiled
"Sure thing" she replied as I went to the table at the end of the shop taking the paper with me. While I was waiting for my order I scanned the paper and heard a deep alluring voice ordering coffee. Not paying any attention to it still looking at the paper I heard Jenny call me

"Dev your order" She said just as I looked up at her smiling I made my way towards her as she placed two coffees on the counter with my bagel. I just took a coffee not really paying attention
"Thank you Jenny will you just add it to my tab" I asked her when she looked up and smiled
"Will do" she yelled as I made my way towards the door, looking down at the bagel I opened the door taking a sip of the coffee and scrunching up my nose almost spitting it out in the process. This was not my coffee. Who the hell would drink coffee like this?

"Hell this stuff tastes bad" I said out loud and turned back around to go back inside, I pushed the door really hard and knocked something on the other side
"What the fuck?" I heard a deep voice said and my eyes grew wide
"Shit sorry I didn't see you" I said hurrying inside to see who I hit with the door. Looking at the guy glaring daggers at me
"Better watch where you're going next time" he hissed still not looking at me
"God I said I was sorry no need to be rude" I said while he looked up at me ready to kill me

The guy was breathtakingly beautiful but he looked like the bad kinds out there I did say sorry but it was as if he was waiting for me to go on my knees if he couldn't take sorry as an answer I got news for him. I left him still standing there glaring daggers at me and walked back to Jenny
"Hey Jenny this isn't my coffee there is no sugar in it" I said to her and she looked at the coffee in my hand then at the coffee on the counter
"Oh you took the wrong cup so sorry about that the one you have is the gentleman at the back of you" she pointed at someone standing behind me as I turned, only coming face to face with the rude guy that I hit with the door while he had a smirk plastered on his face, but what I noticed he was no ordinary man, he stood out from the rest of the people here how did I not notice this? With his Armani three piece dark blue suit, his black hair combed back to perfection no hair out of place while he was standing with both hands in his pockets
"Oh that explains it" I replied as I just connected the dots turning back to Jenny who handed me my cup as I turned back to the guy
"What do you mean explains it?" the guy had to ask the smirk disappearing
"It explains why it is so bitter, seeing as its owner is the same as the coffee...bitter" I replied pushing his coffee into his hands
"You got some nerve talking to me like that" he spat at me and the look on his face held only one emotion, anger. Yeah well serves you right for being a bitter person I thought but it made me a little scared of the way he looked at me

"Well next time try sugar you might like it, okay bye now" I replied leaving as fast as I could because he looked deadly yet very handsome in a weird kind of way dear God I have gone insane at the mere sight of a guy I thought, and to think I was never this blunt to someone before
"Hey" I heard someone yell behind me I turned around which was a huge mistake it was the man from the shop, clearly I was not off the hook but at that moment he had a dangerous aura around him which told me not to over step. Clearly he looked satisfied at my failing composure with his smirk plastered on his face once again
"Next time you want to insult someone, make sure you know who you insult first before doing something as stupid as what you did back there" he said in a menacing voice each word dripping with coldness

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