Chapter 11 (Boom)

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After what felt like forever we saw a few car lights in a distance thinking maybe they came back to finish the job but the first car came to a fast stop near us. With three other cars behind him and Sebastian sped towards us in a fast walking pace to where I stood

"Capo" I heard Marco say and Sebastian came towards me checking me for injuries
"I'm fine" I said but still kept on looking making sure each piece of skin was still intact, turning me, lifting my arms
"Are you sure we can get you to the local-"

"I said I'm fine" I snapped I didn't know why I was so irritated at that moment but I was too tired to argue and I moved my arms out of his grip he didn't say anything
"Marco did you see the number plates?" he turned to Marco who standing there as the others made sure he was okay while the devil was still standing with in front of me
"No sir we only know it was a black Mercedes van and after wards they disappeared and reappeared beside us the next thing we knew they smashed right into us" Marco explained
"The last numbers on the plate was 357" I replied remembering the numbers I saw before the van hit us I turned to walk towards the car he climbed out of, I was really tired and pissed at my dress that was ruined

"Ramón run the last three numbers 357 and once you come up with a black Mercedes than call me as soon as possible" I heard him barking orders but before he climbed into the car next to me he yelled again
"And clean up the mess" he said and climbed into the car he looked back at me while I laid my head against the car window, I had a splitting headache that was forming and I never felt so tired in my life
"Are you sure you're okay because it looks like you're about to pass out?" he asked me and I turned my eyes to him trying to form words in my head without trying to be really rude
"You don't have to worry I'm fine just a huge headache that's all" I replied and the car took off
"I think you must come back to the mansion-"
"Can I please just go home" I replied and looked back at him pleadingly
"Why are you so damn calm about this" he yelled but I knew he didn't mean to and I knew he wasn't one to say sorry all too easily

"Because Sebastian I am really tired, I have a migraine forming which you are making worse and my fucking dress is ruined" there it goes, thank you for making me spit it out when I didn't want to be rude
"I will make sure there are security with you also , till we figure out who is behind this" he said but I didn't feel like arguing and I just listened
"I am just so glad you and Marco didn't come to any harm" he said looking back at me as I was still looking outside thinking about what happened
"Glad that you didn't have to find another wedding planner?" I replied but didn't expect an answer in return instead I saw him pinch the bridge of his nose to stop from giving me any remarks. Oh yeah take that you piece of-

My apartment came into view and I couldn't be more relieved I just wanted to clean myself up and go to sleep forgetting everything bad that happened tonight. I looked at the driver who opened my car door and smiled at him

"Thank you" I replied and he nodded
"Look around and then I want 3 men guarding tonight we cannot take any chances" I heard Sebastian say as I walked up to my door I knew he was going to come in to make sure everything was safe inside also but I didn't complain I just walked in while he followed

"You are worrying me if you're so quiet" he said and I laughed
"You rather I throw some nasty comments at you?" I asked and I could see he didn't like it

"Do you have a first aid somewhere?" he asked me and I pointed to the bottom drawer I fell unto the couch and sighed
"Sit up" I heard him say and looked at him
"Your head needs to be cleaned" he said and I frowned
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I couldn't help but ask as he shook his head at me
"I am not just going to leave you like this you were after all under my protection" he said as I sat up and he sat next to me. His fingers lightly brushed my forehead clearing the hair so he could get a better look
"I have never seen a woman as brave and as stupid as you" he told me while placing some antiseptic on a swab and bringing it to my head, I flinched when the stinging was felt but after it died down he was really close and I couldn't think straight looking at him while he was being so nice to me, my mind wondered back to the kiss
"Why did you kiss me?" I asked shocking myself in the process and he stopped what he was doing not meeting my eyes yet he placed the swab on the table and looked me in the eyes
"That was a mistake on my part" was all he said and I looked down at my hands
"Why do you do that?" I asked him when his eyes met mine again
"Do what?" he replied
"You know what never mind I need to go shower and get to bed" I told him as he quickly stood up
"I will check on you tomorrow" he said walking to the door
"No need I am fine" I said as he was still walking to the door giving me a deadly stare where I stood but didn't say anything as he left me with my own thoughts

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