Chapter 24 (Meeting The Godfather)

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The next morning when I woke up in my own bed, I didn't remember getting here I didn't think any of it and looked at the clock next to the bed it was only half past 7 but I decided to shower and get ready for the day, it was already hot outside and I wore a red short dress that was flowing at the end again, but this time it was a bit more appropriate because we will be going to see the Godfather

I still couldn't believe it was Lila's grandfather, he must be really old and after today I would have met all the Capo's, underbosses and family members of this family, I made my way to downstairs and heard hushed whispers, when I finally arrived on the deck I saw Linda, Giro and Lila sitting there, they looked like they were caught in the middle of a conversation

"Good morning everyone" I eyed them suspiciously and they smiled at me
"Good morning you're up early" Linda said and I smiled
"I'm usually up before the sun but it is so peaceful here" I told her taking my seat
"We got a big today so eat up" she said and I looked at Lila
"You guys are awfully quiet?" I said placing some eggs and bacon into my plate
"Oh no we're not quiet" she awkwardly replied
"Mm" I replied taking a bite of my bacon
"Sebastian and his father will be out in a bit" Giro told me and I nodded
"Okay" wondering what was that all about I knew it wasn't my business to pry

We all ate out breakfast and kept the chatter lighter than usual but it felt like I was missing something, just after we were done Mateo and Sebastian came into the living room
"Are you guys ready?" Mateo yelled they didn't look quite happy
"Yes" Linda said as we all made our way to the inside, Sebastian looked at me and I gave him a small smile and he looked away when one of the guards whispered in his ear, he nodded and looked at everyone, he looked casual yet the dress shirt looked nice as it was loosened at the collar and the sleeves was rolled up
"We will be taking separate cars" he said and everyone just said okay while I just stood there,
"Are you coming?" Lila asked and I smiled walking with them, I felt Sebastian place his hand on my back when he walked behind me
"You will be driving with me" he said in my ear and suddenly I was very aware of how close he was to me, everyone made their ways to their cars as Sebastian showed me to our car, I climbed in just as Sebastian climbed in after me

"Guida al padrino Capo senior" he said to the driver and while the driver nodded taking off in which I presumed was his grandfather's place
"I would like to take you out for dinner tonight" Sebastian said and looked at me
"I would like that" I replied but I was a little shocked at how nice he asked me
"Good, there is a few things which needs to be discussed" he said and I frowned at him

"Don't look so worried" he said to me again
"Okay but I'm not worried" I replied and could see a ghost of a smile playing on his lips
"My grandfather is a good man, and he will be saying some stuff today but don't take it the wrong way" Sebastian said looking out of the window
"I won't thank you" I replied but he didn't say anything back because he knew why I was saying thank you, yet my mind kept going back to the kiss

We came to a standstill in front of a small but beautiful home we stepped out of the cars and it looked really like a scene of an action movie with all the men in suits while there were about four cars but my gaze fell back to the home
"Not as big as you expected?" Ray asked and looked shocked at him
"I think the whole house heard that" he pointed to back when I asked Lila the question
"Oh" I replied stupidly

Mateo was the first to knock on the door while of us were standing and waiting, the door opened and a petit small elderly lady opened the door

"Madre" Mateo said to her and she smiled up at him
"Figlio" she replied hugging him while he kissed both her cheeks
"Si accomodi, come in" she ushered as everyone gave her kisses on the cheek entering into the home, Sebastian placed his hand on my back guiding me to his grandmother
"Nona this Devon Amaro" he said and she looked at me
"Devon the one who gives Figlio here an ear full, just do not stop" she pointed her finger at me pulled me in for a hug without me expecting it, and I liked her already even though I was giving Sebastian so much shit
"Thank you and I promise I won't" I laughed lightly and she walked with me into the house
"Sebastian you can shut the door" I looked behind at him and he just shook his head outraged that his grandmother chose me over him and I smiled. She led me to the outside of the house and I looked up at the beautiful garden and the ocean
"Wow" I breathed at the masterpiece
"Beautiful isn't it" she said and I looked at her
"Very" I replied as I saw everyone gathering around and elderly man, as he spoke to Linda and Mateo, you could see where Sebastian and Mateo got their looks from, because this was the older version of both of them only with white hair, I felt Sebastian's hand around my arm and looked up at him

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