Chapter 22

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I was sitting in my room reading the last few chapters of Prodigy. Somehow the blue and black fonts soothed me, and I was lost in the story. I turned the page, and it ended. I huffed to myself and sat the book down.

"Is something wrong?" Cecelia asked,

"No," I responded. "I just finished the story."

"Would you like me to get you the next one?" Offered Mary.

"No thank you," I replied politely. I rose from my resting place on the sofa to the piano.

My fingers lingered over the keys before pushing down. I kept tempo in my head while playing familiar melodies. Some of them escaped me, but I could remember most of them.

"Elisa?" Cecelia called.

"Yes, Cecelia?"

"These came for you," she said before handing me a thick envelope. I anxiously tore it open before finding the sheets of paper inside, folding them open.

Dear Elisa,

I really miss you here. It's been so boring, and there's nothing to do after lessons. Harry keeps stepping on my feet, and it's so annoying. He seriously needs to learn how to dance because I'm scared he'll embarrass us at the Spring Ball! I love you so much, and I can't wait to see you again!


I smiled at my little sister's letter and sat it aside. The crinkled paper slid back into the envelope. I shook my head at her ability to be distracted so easily. I picked up the next envelope to read.

Dear Elisa,

You looked lovely on the report. Your posture was incredible, and it was even better than Princess Marlee's! I hope you're acting just as much as lady in real life as you are on screen. I'm so glad all my hard work to prepare you to act like a lady has paid off! I love you, darling, and I hope you're doing well.


I got a little frustrated when I looked at her letter. She didn't even say anything about missing me, and I was positive that when she asked how I was doing, she was just trying to fill space! I folded the paper and opened the last letter. My breath hitched at the messy handwriting scrawled on the page.


I've missed you so much. I saw you on the report, and you looked beautiful. I've missed seeing you at family dinners, but I'll settle because I know you're doing just fine. I would offer to hurt Prince Aaron if he hurt you by sending you home, but then I'd be sent to jail.

Love always,
Uncle Darry

P.S. I put something in the envelope, and I hope you like it. I wanted to give you a piece of home.

I smiled curiously before peering back into the envelope his was in. I pulled out a silver chain, and on it was a silver bird and violet flower. It was beautiful, and I loved it. Uncle Darry must have worked an entire month just to pay for it, and let alone mailing the letter.

I clasped the chain behind my neck before jumping up to the dresser to see how it looked. It was moderately short and small, but I loved it just the same. I saw it was around 2, so I figured I should start getting ready early.

"Would you pick something out for my date?" I asked my maids.

"Ok!" Mary said perkily.

"I thought it was my turn to pick out the dress," Cecelia whined.

"I thought it was too," added Diana with a furrowed brow.

"Fine!" Mary grunted before falling back onto the couch. I giggled and went into the bathroom.

I turned on the water and let it run hot before climbing in. The steam rose to the ceiling, and I began washing my hair. I used rich oils and facial scrubs, and after towel-drying my hair, I exited the bathroom in my robe.

I sat in front of my dresser while Mary dried my hair. Diana was cleaning the room, and Cecelia was lost in the walk-in-closet to look for a dress. The smaller the selection got, the more clothes I was offered.

Mary and Diana swapped jobs so that Diana could curl my hair. She put simple white pins in it and put my curls over one shoulder. I put makeup on myself, dusting over layers of brown. The mascara lengthened my eyelashes, and I left my lips bare.

"Could I put my dress on now?"

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