Broken Promises

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✨tell y/n I'm sorry for breaking the promise✨

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tell y/n I'm sorry for breaking the promise


Harry and Cedric had both got the cup expecting to see their friends and families but they landed on the ground with emptiness no one around. Harry started getting up looking around at the place they were at.

"You ok?" Cedric asked

"Yea you?" They both got up. There where tombs or what looked like tombs everywhere.

"Where are we?" Cedric asked. They both started walking around.

"I've been here before" Harry said. Cedric was looking at the cup.

"It's a Portkey. Harry the cup is a Portkey."

"I've been here before... in a dream" he stopped and read a tomb that said

Tom Riddle

"Cedric! We have to get back to the cup. Now!"

"What are you talking about?" Just then they heard a door creaking. Harry started shouting in pain. He held his hand to his forehead as he dropped to the ground.

"Harry! What is it?"

"Get back to the cup! Ah!" Wormtail walked out hold a baby Voldemort in his hands. Cedric pointed his wand at him.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

'Kill the spare'

"Avada Kedavra!"

"No! Cedric!" Cedric was hit with the killing curse, flying back he hit the ground and was not gone. Wormtail forced Harry into a statute with wings and a stick holding him in place.

'Do it now'

Wormtail went to cauldron and dropped baby voldemort in.

"Bone of the father unwillingly given." Wormtail got the bone form the tomb that said

Thomas Riddle

and put it in the cauldron.

"Flesh of the servant... willingly sacrificed" Wormtail cut off his hand and let it drop into the cauldron as he screamed in pain. He then turned to Harry. "And blood of the enemy... forcibly taken" Wormtail said cutting his arm getting some blood as Harry was yelling in pain trying to get out of the statute. Wormtail was dropping Harry's blood into the cauldron. "The dark lord shall rise... again" Harry continue to yell in pain as his blood went into the cauldron. The cauldron lit on fire but went out as Voldemort rises. Voldemort walked over to Wormtail.

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