Ch 15

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When Tyler and Renee said "hang out" the last thing I expected was a surprise party!

I feel like I should've expected it.

All of my friends were there, even some internet friends that lived in the area.

The party was really fun, but I forgot where I left my purse.

"Bethany (NOT Bethany Mota), have you seen my purse?" I asked.

"It's over there," she pointed across the room.

I saw Tyler talking on the phone, I was calm until I realized it was my phone.

"Tyler!" I said,"What are are you doing?"

He handed me my phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"Melody," Luke said.

"Hi, Luke, Luke Hemmings, my boyfriend," I said.

Luke laughed.

"Who was that on the phone before you?" He asked.

"Tyler Oakley," I said.

"Tyler Oakley?" He said.

"Tyler Oakley. Renée and I have been running into celebrities and youtubers lately," I said,"And maybe Tyler Oakley will be our always. The fault in our youtubers."

Luke laughed.

"Can I say something for the 5sosfam?" I asked.


"Your laugh literally gives me life," I said.

Luke laughed again.

"I'm serious. Your laugh is like sweet lemonade on a hot summer day," I said

"Sweet lemonade on a hot day.....I have to use that one," Luke said.

I giggled.

"So how's your surprise party?" he asked.

"You knew?" I asked.

"Of course I did," Luke said.

"Well, I din't think you would, since you aren't here. I mean why would they send you an invitation?" I asked.

"I helped Renee plan it," he said.

"Aww, thanks," I said.

I talked to Luke for a few more minutes then wen back to the party. A few hours later, it was over.

Unfortunately, we left a mess in Bethany's house (Once again, NOT Bethany Mota: this is one of Mel's internet friends. One she went to Vidcon with. It's part of her background which I'm NOT explaining rn...).

"We'll help clean up," I said.

"We will?" Renee whispered.

"Yeah, we will," I said.

Cleaning up took about two more hours.

By the time we finished, it started raining, and it was 8:30 pm.

Thanks to the clouds blocking the moon, it was dark.

Renee and I borrowed Lucy's car to get here. Renee drived on the way here, so I volunteered to drive back.

Renee sat next to me and Tyler had to ride in the backseat.

We were exchanging stories and laughing as I drove.

We were taking the long way back, so I wouldn't have to drive fast on the freeway.

It was nice.

"Wait! Melody, look out!" Renee said.

I tried breaking, but it was slippery and we were going down a hill.

It was too late.

There was a blinding light as the other car tried to stop,

Then, everything went black.....




It seemed like life couldn't get better for Melody...

I'll TRY to update soon.


That's about it...

Love ya!


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