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I turned in my exam then sat back down and started reading. I glanced up at the clock, just 30 minutes left, then I'll be a senior!!! I got distracted by my book, and before I knew it, school was over!!! It was summer!!! I met up with Renée, Hannah, and Ashley on the bus.

"Can you believe it? We're finally free!" Hannah exclaimed.

"Yep! Fangirling all night, listening to music all day! Then working on my last science fair project, so I won't have to work on it last minute," I said.

"Melody, you're so obsessed," Ashley said.

"Am not!" I said,"I'm just dedicated."

"Dedicated my arse," Ashely said. the bus stopped at the Starbucks a short walk from our house.

"Wow, Starbucks twice in one day, we're gonna be up all night!" Renée said. I opened my mouth about to sing.

"Don't start, Melody," Hannah says.

"How'd you know I was going to sing?" I asked.

"You're pretty predictable. Plus, one word can make you break into a One Direction song," Ashley said. We ordered our coffee and started walking back home.When we got home, the TV was already on.

"Hello?" Hannah called.

"In the kitchen!" Lucy yelled.

"Why are you and Emily home early?" Renée asked.

"We took our last exam yesterday afternoon, so we were home today, if you didn't notice," Lucy said.

"I went shopping!!!" Emily said.

"I was watching Korean dramas. They're so.....intense?nah, they're more over dramatic than intense, so yeah," Lucy said.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Hannah asked.

"How about watching a movie?" Ashley suggested.

"Sure, which one?" Renée asked. Everyone looked at me.


"You're the best at finding movies we haven't seen!" Emily said.

"Are you willing to watch ANYTHING I pick?" I asked.




"I don't care"

"Whatever you choose"

"Promise?" I said.

"YES!" they yelled.

"Okay! Meet you in the living room in 5 minutes!" I said. I ran upstairs and grabbed This Is Us from my shelf.

"You guys are gonna love this!" I said sliding it in the DVD player. I started my summer by watching One Direction. I wish I could meet them! Maybe someday I will. Ha! In my dreams. I sang along with every song in the movie, and Lucy and Emily were quietly humming along. I bet they're secret directioners! They probably wouldn't tell me because they know they wouldn't hear the end of it.


Who do you think will end up with who?(names below)










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