Ch 18

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Hope just kept disappearing. We alternated in staying at the hospital and staying at home because stupid homework.

Each time we went to see her, it seemed like the situation was worse than before.

Amber and I got into more arguments. SHe was negative about the whole situation, while I attempted to be positive.

The other girls had to sit through our bickering. 

Our little group of friends stopped hanging out as a group. 

Most of the time we would be in our own rooms, watching TV, movies, youtube videos. We were like strangers living in the same house.

We hardly spoke to each other, when we did it would lead to an argument. 

It was crazy.

It was completely different without Melody, and most of us didn't believe Melody would wake up any time soon. Some didn't think she would wake at all.

But Melody has to get better soon.

She has to wake up.

It's so different without her.

"Relax guys, she could wake up any day now," I said.

"Any day now?! You've been saying that for MONTHS! She missed Thanksgiving, she missed Christmas! She's missed half of 2014. It's almost 2015!! Can't you realize that she may never wake up?" Amber shouted.

Ashley shot a glare at Amber while the rest of the girls looked away.

"At least someone's being positive!" Ashley shouted.

"BUT WE ALL KNOW IT'S A LIE!" Ava shouted.

"Guys, don't argue," Lucy said.

Hannah looked away, then got up and went upstairs.

"No, let them argue, it seems like the only way they'll talk to each other," Jess said.

It was just a bickering back and forth betwen us.

Lucy and Jess eventually left too.

"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" Emily shouted.

We quieted, shocked at her outburst.

"Can't you see that none of this fighting will help ANYTHING?" Emily said,"It's pointless. Yelling at each other won't make Melody wake up. This is so annoying! Do you really believe that yourlittle stupid arguments are helping ANYONE? It just makes us feel worse. You guys need to stop."

She stood up and walked upstairs.

"When were we ever like this?" Ava whispered.

"When was Melody in a coma?" Amber said, rolling her eyes.

"I am sick of your sarcastic comments! You're not the only one that's sad! Get your act together because I'm tired of arguing," Ashley said, walking upstairs.

Ava eventually went to her room too.

Then Amber did.

ANd finally I went upstairs to.

Why talk when it just leads to an argument

Mel better wake up soon, I don't want to start 2015 with all this bickering....



Just so you know, it's around Decmber 27 in this chapter.

That means shes been in a coma for about six months...

Do you think Melody will wake up?


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